Letter 16

Letter 16 - (undated)

(a transcription of the letter appears below the images)

Dear Sirs

I'm writing this letter in regards to Mrs Leon Leadford. As a neighbar I think some une should report him in to his Draft board. He's just a burden on her. He beats her and she has left him and even had to put him in jail because he has threaten her life. If you want any evidence you can ask any of her neighbors or her mother and kind folks She's carrying bruses naw from him. She works every day that she able. She's had to take off from work sometime ago from a beating that he gave her. I think if a man is able to beat his wife he should be put where he could do some good. The neighbars said they would answer any questions from you. We've tryed to get her to write, but she said he would kill her if he found out. His name is Leon Leadford. He has caused some trouble fighting every where he goes. She's afraid to stay in the house alone with him. The girl staying with her said, it was uwful the way he beat her over nothing. She's not even allowed to write her brother in the army unless he's there to read and tell her what to write. This girl said she would tell any one about what he does. Mrs Leadfords able to take care of her and her two children. Her life is a misery with him. She's afraid to leave him for he said he would kill her. So I'm leaving it up to youse and I hope you do justice to this woman.

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