Letter 11

Letter 11 - July 23, 1943

(a transcription of the letter appears below the images)

July 23, 1943

Draft Board
Potasi. mo.
I would like to report to you "Virgil Allen:, who was recently de-ferred to farm. He never would wark on the farm until a few months' be-for he was eighteen. Lots of days he daesn't get up until noon & brags about how easy it was for him to get aut of the army & does as little farming as he can get by with.

He has a pick up truck & gaes to Shirley swimming in Berriers three or four times a week. In the last two or three weeks he has made trips to Bismark & Winegarden. Now he is planning a trip to St. Louis Highlands. These ore all pleasure trips. How daes he get so much gas? We have sons in the army who work hard & never take any pleasure trips and they are proud to do it but to us here at home it seems a pity such as this should be allowed.

We hope you will consider this matter seriously and we also believe all should be treated the same as it is a few are deferred to farm but are running here & there on pleasure trips as bad as we need farm help.

We feel this is our duty to report this to you & are sure you will do what ever you think is best. you can ask any one who is lives near Allen or gaes to Berriers often & they will report the same to you.

Respect fully yours
Boasties for Uncle Sam.

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