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Located Hwy. 68 N. to Co. Rd. 325 (3 graves)

This was copied from "Ozark Heritage Dent County Missouri Area Cemeteries & Families" Vol III 1994 by Ken Fiebelman of Salem, MO.

Reprinted with the permission of Ken Fiebelman on behalf of the Dent County Historical Society


BELEW, HOSEA    1815 – Mar. 22, 1857    Married Cynthia Matilda Sturgeon in 1835 at Lauderdale Co., AL (She is buried in Arkansas). Their children: John Newton (m. Mary M. Hicks, buried at Johnson Cemetery); Rainey, Thomas Jefferson (buried at Cedar Grove Cemetery); Elias Alexander (m. Ailey Severnia Rice, 1866, Dent Co., to Texas Co.), William, Elizabeth (buried at Cedar Grove Cemetery); James Henry (to TX & AR), Christopher Columbus 'Lum' (to IL); Cynthia M. There were 4 Belew brothers in the Battle of Wilson’s Creek; from Mussell Shoals AL to near St. James & later to Dent Co. ---John & Jeff spent the rest of their lives here.


BELEW, ANDREW J.     Born & died ca. 1859.    Infant son of John Newton Belew & Mary M. Hicks Belew. 


BELEW, MARY J.     Born & died ca. 1860.     Infant daughter of John Newton Belew & Mary M. Hicks Belew.

(These were the two eldest children of John & Mary Belew.)



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Updated On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 

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