St. Thomas, MO
St. Thomas

This attractive village of about 200 inhabitants, situated in the southwest corner of Osage Township, Cole County, was first settled in 1855, Judge WALTERS erecting the first building on the present National Street. A second house, built by a Mr. BUERN, and one other, constituted the town before the war. After that Judge S. N. SCHELL began the manufacture of boots and shoes, and about 1870 embarked in merchandising. The following is the business directory of the town: S. N. SCHELL & Sons, Peter LUTHER and Joseph HOECKER, general merchants; George WALTHER & Son, clothing and gents' furnishing goods; I. N. and J. S. ENLOE and Theo. HERMAN, physicians; Thomas B. L. and Benj. MEYERPETER, manufacturers of wagons, plows, etc.; hotel, Frank X. SCHELL; shoemaker, Joseph HUHMAN; saloon, Herman BUSCHJOST; carpenter, Thomas HEISLER; brick-mason, Jacob DADO; tinner, Rudolph BRANDT. The school here, under the auspices of the Catholic Church, is in their building. The enrollment is about 130, Aug. SCHULTE being in charge as principal. The beautiful brick church building (Catholic), 125x80 feet, was built in 1884 The present pastor is Father ERNST. The first, Father HELIAS, came as a missionary to the place when there were but three or four families. He is now deceased.