Lookups and References: Clinton Co. MOGenWeb
Clinton county in blue color on white Missouri map

Clinton Co. MOGenWeb

Reference Books and Lookup Volunteers

| Clinton Co. MOGenWeb |

Here are the Clinton County books in which volunteers will do look-ups. If you own Clinton County books or other publications, whether listed or not, and will do look-ups, please let us know.  Contact Us

Feel free to request a look-up from the following books. Please limit your request to one name per request. Please put Clinton COUNTY LOOKUP in the subject line of your request to ensure the message is not overlooked or accidentally deleted. In the first line of the message please put the name of the book in which you are requesting the lookup.

If you request a lookup, don't forget to thank your volunteer for her/his efforts.

Clinton County Source or Books

Source or Reference Book Lookup Volunteer

Obituaries: Lookups: Clinton County ($1.00 each by mail.  $.25 for copies at office.)

Historical Society

Book: Clinton County MO Death Notices 1900-1904 from area newspapers

Anyone ?

Book: Clinton County MO Births 1883-1889 and Deaths 1883-1888

Anyone ?

Book: Clinton County MO Death notices from area newspapers 1876-1894

Anyone ?

Book: Clinton County MO Death Notices from area newspapers 1895-1899

Anyone ?

Book: Missouri Marriage Early to 1825

Jackie McKey Campbell

Book: 1881 History of Clinton County, Missouri (reprint) has a section on biographies.


Book: 1977 History of Clinton County Missouri


Book: Edwards Brothers. An illustrated historical atlas of Clinton County, Missouri. year?

Anyone ?

Book: Plat book of Clinton County, Missouri. any year

Anyone ?

Clinton County MO 1840 Census


Clinton County MO 1850 Census


Clinton County MO 1860 Census


Clinton County MO 1870 Census


Clinton County MO 1880 Census


Clinton County Cemeteries

volunteer needed

Clinton County Land Sales

volunteer needed

Clinton County Marriage Records

volunteer needed

Clinton County Probate Records

volunteer needed

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Updated: 24 Jan 2008
Copyright © 1997-2008 Clinton Co. MOGenWeb