Christian County - A Researcher's Guide
Christian County
History and Genealogy: A Researcher's Guide



As far as we can determine, these publications relating to Christian County are available for purchase from the listed sources (listed after each publication, in bold, capital letters) as of December 1998. Please restrict orders exclusively to the sources which actually have that title for sale. Note that the prices and availability are subject to change.

1840 Greene County Federal Census & Map. 8.00 ppd. OGS
1840 Taney County Census. 4.00 ppd. WRVHS
1840 Taney County Census Index. 2.50 ppd. WRVHS
1840 Taney County Federal Census & with identifications for 565 households. 20.00 ppd. NTW
1850 Greene County Federal Census & Map. 11.00 ppd. OGS
1850 Taney County Federal Census, edited and annotated with identification for many of the initials-only listings, by Nancy Todd Weber. 15.00 ppd. NTW
1890 Special Federal Census, Revised - Union Soldiers & Their Widows. Book I. Christian, Dade, Dallas, Polk & Taney Counties. 10.00 ppd. OGS
Angus, Fern. Down the Wire Road in Missouri. 10.95 ppd WRVHS, CCL, FA
Angus, Fern. Let Me Tell You about Ozark Superstitions. 3.50 ppd. CCL
Billings Centennial, 1871 - 1971. 10.00 + postage. CCM
Bilyeu, Thelma J. Today I Remember. 10.95 ppd CCL, 9.95 + p & h, OB
Brown, Omar E. Son of pioneers. Hardback 6.00 ppd. WRVHS
Buckley, Sandra Johns, Comp. Christian County, Missouri, 1860 federal census. 15.00 ppd SJB
Carter, Gloria Bogart. Springfield, Mo News-Leader Genealogy Queries Vol. 1 5 Apr 1987 - 25 Dec 1988. Indexed. Paperback 114 p. 9.00 GBC
Carter, Gloria Bogart. Springfield, Mo News-Leader Genealogy Queries Vol. 2 1 Jan 1989 - 15 Sept 1990. Indexed. Paperback p 91 - p 238 9.00 GBC
Carter, Gloria Bogart. Springfield, Mo News-Leader Genealogy Queries Vol. 3 23 Sept 1990 - 21 June 1992. Indexed. Paperback p 118 - p 318 9.00 GBC
Carter, Gloria Bogart. Springfield, Mo News-Leader Genealogy Queries Vol. 4 28 June 1992 - 13 March 1994. Indexed. Paperback p 273 - p 362 + 15 p index. 9.00 GBC
Carter, Gloria Bogart. Springfield, Mo News-Leader Genealogy Queries Vol. 5 20 March 1994 - 8 October 1995. Indexed. Paperback p 363 - p 444 + 16 p index 9.00 GBC
Carter, Gloria Bogart. Springfield, Mo News-Leader Genealogy Queries Vol. 6 15 Oct 1995 - 27 July 1997. Indexed. Paperback p 445 - p 537 + indexes. 9.00 GBC
Chadwick, Then & Now. 1983. 191 p. 14.00 ppd. MD
Christian County Missouri Marriage Records, 1864-1874; Wills and Administrations, 1865-1885. 81 p. ($ 10.00) MoSGA
Christian County Missouri Tombstone Inscriptions. 62 p. ($ 10.00) MoSGA
Christian County, Missouri 1870 Federal Census & Map. 8.00 ppd. OGS
Christian County, Missouri 2000 Plat Book. 15.00 + postage. CCC
Christian County: Its First Hundred Years. 1959. Currently out-of-print. Christian County Library owns copyright. We hope to both reprint it and place text on-line.
Cobb, Vickie Layton. Fallen Leaves: True Stories of Ozark Pioneers. 15.00 ppd. WRVHS
Confederate Organizations, Officers & Posts 1861 - 1865 MO Units. 8.00 ppd. OGS
Davenport, Helen, comp. Militia - 1866 Christian County, Missouri. 9.00 ppd. CCM, CCL
Day, Marie. Bilyeu Creek Road and Friends. 1991 53 p 9.00 + postage MD
Day, Marie. Chadwick Collections & Recollections. 1988. 253 p. 14.00 ppd MD
Escott, George S. History & Directory of Springfield, Missouri 1878. 24.00 ppd. OGS
Greene County, Missouri, Marriages: Book A 1833 - 1854. 10.00 ppd. OGS
Greene County, Missouri, Marriages: Book B 1854 - 1866. 10.00 ppd. OGS
Greene County, Missouri Tax Lists for years 1833, 1834, 1835, & 1843. 12.00 ppd. OGS
Greene County, Missouri Tax Lists for years 1851 & 1856. 20.00 ppd. OGS
Harryman, Wilma Groves. Ozark Mountain Girl. 13.95 ppd. CCL
Hartman, Mary & Elmo Ingenthron. Bald Knobbers. Hardback 19.94 + p & h, Paperback 10.47 + p & h OM
History and Families of Christian County, Missouri. Hardback leather-bound 89.00 + 5.00 p & h. 200 p. illus indexed 1998. [fewer than 12 copies left October 2000]CCM
Houp, J. Randall. The 24th Missouri Volunteer Infantry "Lyon Legion". 100.00 ppd. HOUP
Index of Purchasers U S Land Sales in Missouri 1818 - 1837, Vol 1. 10.00 ppd OGS
Index of Purchasers U S Land Sales in Missouri 1836 - 1839, Vol 2. 12.00 ppd OGS
Index of Purchasers U S Land Sales in Missouri 1839 - 1846, Vol 3. 15.00 ppd OGS
Index to WRVHS Vol. 1 #1-12 (Fall 1961-Summer 1964). 3.00 ppd. WRVHS
Index to WRVHS Vol. 10 #1-12 (Fall 1988-Summer 1991). 12.00 ppd. WRVHS
Index to WRVHS Vol. 31 #1-4 (Fall 1991-Summer 1992). 4.80 ppd. WRVHS
Merritt, Larry & Carol, comp. Cemeteries of Christian County. 1992. 650 pages indexed. This listing of legible tombstones in 100 cemeteries has never been published, but compilers may photocopy the loose-leaf typed copy on written request. Please ask about cost. This is not available as a bound or published book. MERRITT
Mitchell, John. Tales of Bull Creek Country. 12.60 ppd. CCL
Moser, Arthur Paul. Christian County Directory of Towns, Villages and Hamlets. 3.00 ppd WRVHS
Platbook of Christian County, Missouri. 1912. Reprinted 1998, with an added index of property owners by Greene County Archives as Bulletin #38. 73 p 11" 17" spiral-bound paperback. 3.00 + shipping and handling.
Preston, Jeannine Tussey. Parkin's Guide to Tracing Your Family Tree in Missouri. 252 p 28.00 ppd. MoSGA
Rising, Marsha. Greene County, Missouri Probates 1833 - 1871. 20.00 ppd. OGS
Rising, Marsha. Newspaper Abstracts from Southwest Missouri, 1850 - 1860. 13.00 ppd OGS
Rising, Marsha. Newspaper Abstracts from Southwest Missouri, 1860 - 1870. 15.00 ppd OGS
Springfield Land Office Abstracts. Vols 1 -7, Jun 1835 - Feb 1846. 10.00 ppd. OGS
Topical Index to WRVHS Vol. 1 - Vol 31. 5.00 ppd. WRVHS
Wallace Funeral Home Records, 1926 - 1945 (Billings, Missouri). 10.00 ppd. OGS
Williams, John Eutsler. By-Gone Days. 15.00 ppd. CCL
Wilson, Maxine, comp. 1880 Census, Christian County, Missouri. 11.00 ppd. CCL
Wilson, Maxine, comp. 1900 Census, Christian County, Missouri. 2 vols 20.00 ppd MW, CCL
Wilson, Maxine, comp. 1910 Census, Christian County, Missouri. 2 vols 20.00 ppd MW, CCL - Out of print as of 22 Feb 2001 - No plans to reprint
Wilson, Maxine, comp. Christian County Marriage Book 1, 1859 - 1878. 12.00 ppd MW, CCL
Wilson, Maxine, comp. Christian County Marriage Book 2, 1878 - 1891. 12.00 ppd MW, CCL
Wilson, Maxine, comp. Christian County Marriage Book 3, 1891 - 1901. 12.00 ppd MW, CCL
Wilson, Maxine, comp. Christian County Marriage Book 4, 1901 - 1911. 12.00 ppd MW, CCL
Wilson, Maxine, comp. Christian County Marriage Book 5, 1911 - 1922. 12.00 ppd MW, CCL
Wilson, Maxine, comp. Christian County Marriage Book 6, 1922 - 1928. 12.00 ppd MW, CCL
Wilson, Maxine, comp. Christian County Marriage Book 7, 1928 - 1933. 12.00 ppd MW, CCL
Wilson, Maxine, comp. Christian County Marriage Book 8, 1933 - 1936. 12.00 ppd MW, CCL
Wilson, Maxine, comp. Christian County Marriage Book 9, 1936 - 1940. 12.00 ppd MW, CCl
Key to Places to Purchase Christian County Books
CCC - Christian County Clerk [Kay Brown, Clerk, County Commission], PO Box 549, Ozark, MO 65721 417 581-6360
CCL - Christian County Library, 1005 N 4th Ave. Ozark, MO 65721 e-mail: info
CCM - Christian County Museum & Historical Society, P O Box 442, Ozark, MO 65721
GBC - Gloria Bogart Carter, 733 S Farm Rd 89, Springfield, MO 65802 Telephone: 417 869-7060. e-mail:
[email protected]
GCA - Greene County Archives, 1126 Boonville, Springfield, MO 65802 Telephone: 417 868-4021
HOUP - J. Randall Houp, P O Box 608, Alma, AR 72921
MD - Marie Day, Day Lane, Chadwick, MO 65629
MERRITT - Larry & Carol Merritt, 1580 N Nicholas Rd, Nixa, MO 65714
MW - Maxine Wilson, 970 Crabapple Rd, Ozark, MO 65721
MoSGA - Missouri State Genealogical Association. P O Box 833, Columbia, MO 65205-0833
NTW - Nancy Todd Weber, 22309 Canyon Lake Drive South, Canyon Lake CA 92587
OB - Ozark Books. Please access website for current offerings and prices
OGS - Ozarks Genealogical Society. P O Box 3945, Dept 3-98, Springfield, MO 65808-3945
OM - Ozarks Mountaineer Bookstore P O Box 20, Kirbyville, MO 65679 417 336-2665
SJB - Sandra Johns Buckley, 295 E 469 Rd, Fair Play, MO 65649
WRVHS - Secretary, White River Valley Historical Society, P O Box 555, Point Lookout, MO 65720-0555

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