Christian County - A Researcher's Guide
Christian County
History and Genealogy: A Researcher's Guide


Important Notice: This index is provided to gauge possible availability of information on Christian County ancestors.

This database is not an offer from the library to copy information mentioned. The library does not own all sources indexed. Copyright laws restrict amount of photocopying by a single individual or from a single source. Most important, staffing and funding are insufficient to attempt anything of that scale. However, most sources are widely available; friends and relatives may be asked to check further; or researchers may be hired. Please do not ask, by e-mail, for the library to research, photocopy and mail material. If an honest effort to locate the information on your own fails, make requests by mail, enclosing a SASE. Minimum charge is $1.00. Individual photocopied pages are ten cents. Individual paper copies from microfilm are twenty-five cents. An additional ounce of postage is required for each four pages. Allow ample time for a reply, remembering that any such research has to be done on staff's limited personal time.

This database is not a comprehensive index of any of these sources. That would be hundreds of thousands of citations. It is a list of the chief Christian County families or the heads of those families for which information appears in these sources.

The amount of information varies widely. Some items are merely queries from people who may have additional information. Others may be entire books on the families. When page numbers are given, only the beginning page number appears. The article may be a couple of sentences or many pages.

24TH MOHoup, Randall. 24th Missouri Infantry
Alive 95 Nixa High School History Class. Alive 95, 1995. Interviews with older Nixa residents.
ASDR&IFRobertson, Sloan Davis. Ancestors of Sloan Davis Robertson and Interrelated Families. Each family paged separately. Estimated, 1200 pages. 1996 computer print-out of genealogy of compiler, largely in Christian County panhandle and adjacent areas.
BCRDay, Marie. Bilyeu Creek Road and Friends. By compiler. No date. 53p. Indexed
BoydBoyd, William. The Descendants and Ancestors of James Boyd and Nancy Weir. Quill. 1991. 449 pages. Indexed. Illustrated.
BrayBray, Robert. Memoirs, Personal and Historical, of a Fourth Generation Boy of the Ozarks, Including Genealogies and Military Histories of the Bray Family. By author. n. d. 508 pages. Illustrated
BrownSchofield, Cuma My Mother's Brown Family
CCARChadwick Collections and Recollections
CCHChristian County Historian. Numbers following are volume and page, except some volumes giving no page numbers (n p), and some in which page numbers begin new with each issue, then volume, issue, and page.
CCNCannon County Cousins
ChaffinAlbert, Carl Bert, et alAbner Chaffin of Jackson County, Tennessee and Sons Bailaam, Elias, Joseph and William. By Compilers. une 1966. 190p. Indexed
ChronisterMaggard, Sharon Kay. Chronister History. 1998. Family sheets. Same book includes photocopies of obituaries, funeral home printed cards, and other information. These are listed as Chronister-Obit and page, if numbered.
CrumpleyRahn, Evelyn (Torbett). Crumpley - Descendants of John & Olive (O'Neil). 1995. Printout of genealogical files, as of early 1995, of descendants of John & Olive (O'Neil). Information on each child paged separately.
CT&NChadwick Then and Now
DCMDouglas County, Missouri: History of Families, 1857 - 1995. Turner Publishing Company, 1995. 480 p. Illus. Index
EDAWeber, Nancie Todd, ed Christian County, Missouri, Earliest Death Administrations. 1993. 30 p pb Indexed.
ElkinsElkins, Hoyte B. Elkins
FrazierFrazier, D. S. A historical sketch of the Frazier family in Christian County Rev ed. 1964. 61 p
GarrisonThe family of Isaac Garrison, 1732 - 1836, Frontiersman and Soldier of the American Revolution. Schoonmaker Pub. 1980. 448 p. Indexed. Illustrated
GdSWMO56Genealogical Data from Southwest Missouri Newspapers, 1850's and 1860's
GhanGhan, B. T. Ghan Heritage Book. Privately printed, 1973. 197 p.
GoldGold, James Ray. Traces of Gold. 2d ed. Privately printed, 1994. 234 p.
HanksBaber, Adin. The Hanks Family of Virginia and Westward. Privately printed, 1900. 199 p.
Harper chartGenealogy of the Harper Family. A 12 page listing, plus a three page summary of the family of Alexander Harper (1792-1874) and his wife Isabella (Wilson) (1800-1851) who married 1816 near Kilmarnock, Scotland, migrated to Canada in 1820, returned to Scotland, came to Rockdale, PA c1826, and finally settled near Pleasant, Switzerland County, IN. Christian County descendants named Buxton, McLean, Cutbirth & Richmond.
HFCCMHistory and Families of Christian County, MissouriHistory of the county, published in the mid-1990's, Mostly summaried submitted by family members.
InmanMcConnell, Randy L. Inmans of Union Hill and Maupin Hollow. Computer printout. Length varies. One edition published 1993
JohnsSnider, Marolyn. Looking up the Johns Tree. Privately printed, 1889. 254 p.
KeltnerHellums, Clarice Haynes. Michael Kelchner (Keltner) family. Privately printed, 1989. 571 p
MaplesMaples, Norma Stewart. The Maples Family through America’s Wars. Privately printed, 1991. 77 p
McC GuinMcConnell, Randy L. McConnells of Guin Prairie: The Trek of a Scotch-Irish Family to Christian County, Missouri. Computer printout custom copies. Length varies. One edition dated
McC-WA Genealogy of the McCullah-Wasson Families. 1990. 180 p
McGinnisHansen, Barbara Chandler. The McGinnis Families. 1982. 22 p
MFN Marley Family Newsletter. Newsletter begun in 1992. Citation includes volume and issue
MoPMissouri Pioneers : county and genealogical records/ Compiled and published by Miss Nadine Hodges, Mrs. John Vineyard, and Mrs. Howard W. Woodruff. Independence, MO 1967 - In 30 volumes
O&V 19thCollier, William Neville. Ozark and Vicinity in the 19th Century. 1946.
OKOzar'Kin. Quarterly publication of the Ozarks Genealogical Society. vol & p
OldSettOld Settlers of Webster County. A column published weekly in the Marshfield Mail in 1905. From typed and handwritten transcriptions made by Mattie Lou (Day) Hyde in the early 1970’s
OMOzarks Mountaineer. Volume, issue, and page
ON&TBrown, Mary. Ozark Now and Then: History 1895 - 1965. 1967.
PMSnider, Scottie Lane. Precious Memories. Garrison Hollow Studio. 1994. Collection of 45 pen and ink or pencil sketches of Christian County, Missouri
RHOZReminiscent History of the Ozarks Region.
SN-LSpringfield News-Leader. Followed by issue and page
Spokane100 Years of Spokane, Missouri Post Office and Its People. 1992. unpaged, about 150 pages. Illustrated
TBCCMitchell, John. Tales of Bull Creek Country
TodayBilyeu, Thelma. Today I Remember
UTHJohns, Paul. Unto These Hills
WALKERDerryberry, Barbara. David Walker Family History
WHMCWestern Historical Manuscripts Collection, Rolla .
WRVWhite River Valley Historical Quarterly. Volume and page

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