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Research Note Next to Prosperity Baptist Church is the Rocky Comfort Cemetery, of Newton County, MO, Sec. 32, Twp. 24N, Range 29W in Newton County with these directions: From Hwy. 76 take road north through town.

Prosperity Baptist Church is next to the cemetery

I love this picture with all the fall colors and especially because I visited the church and cemetery with my dad who told me that his grandparents attended that church and as he told about it I could picture them in their horse-drawn buggy rolling up that hill to church! He also told that it was one of the few churches built with a balcony across the back and that was where the black people sat in the early days.
Cemetery is located near the Barry County, MO Line

The McDonald county line is 320 ft south of the church, and 350 ft south of the south edge of the cemetery. And Barry county is 1.1 miles east of the cemetery.
Date Taken 2006
Resource Patty's Photos
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