News Item

We extend our sympathy to the Thomas and Stubblefield families.

W. A. Wright was the prayer meeting leader at the Merl’s Chapel church last Wednesday night.

All are sorry that Mrs. Carl Hancock and children are sick.

Rev. and Mrs. Loyd Jeffreys and family and Mrs. Alta Jefferson of Monett were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John McClure.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowman of Monett were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cline Hancock.

Mr. and Mrs. Cline Hancock ate Friday night supper with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burleson. It was Mr. Hancock’s birthday and his daughter prepared a birthday supper for her father.

Mrs. J. G. Wright and children, Bill Griffith and Reace Moxham of Wichita, Kans., visited the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright and with Mrs. J. G. Wright’s mother, Mrs. Lucy Jones in Monett.

___ _____ ______, Mrs. Cline Hancock. Scripture 100 Psalms was read by Mrs. O. T. Allred. Prayer was offered by Mrs. W. A. Wright. A gift exchange was by the club members. Mrs. O. T. Allred served delicious refreshments.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright were in Monett Monday and visited Mrs. Alta Jefferson and Mrs. Lucy Jones.
Date Published Wednesday, January 24, 1968
Resource Cassville Democrat
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