1901 Extracts from Barry County, MO, Newspapers
Extracted by: Donna Cooper, Coordinator
An interlibrary loan from the State Historical Society of MO of microfilm, was the source from which the data given below was obtained.
Cassville Republican, Weekly Paper, Thursday, Oct. 3, 1901 Cassville Republican, Weekly Paper, Thursday, Oct. 10, 1901

Mrs. Ollie Lawrence spent Thursday with friends in town.

Walter Stephens has been quite sick but is better at present.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis of Exeter visited her parents here Saturday.

Mrs. Freda Edens and children transacted business in Cassville Saturday.

Billy Thomas of Bill’s Mattress factory, is sick at the home of his parents here.

Mrs. Levi Crim left Sunday morning for Florida to visit her daughter and husband.

A revival meeting began at the Union church Monday night, held by the Christian people.

Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Edens, granddaughter, Jennie and Frances Varner drove to Monett Sunday.

Eugene Varner visited home folks Sunday morning. He leaves Friday for a school of flying at Santa Maria, California.

The new café on the highway operated by Miss Frances Hagood is now open for business.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edmondson and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brock of Cassville visited Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Purdom Saturday night.

Mrs. Roger Davis is at the Stella hospital with a seriously sprained back caused by lifting a tub of water last Friday.

Mrs. Peyton an old time resident of Washburn, now living at Marshfield, Mo., is visiting Mrs. Etta Davis at present.

Lee Rogers motored to Joplin Monday on business. His niece, Mrs. G. C. Davis, accompanied him and visited her sister there, Mrs. Granville Marcum.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ball and son of Eagle Rock and Judge Varner and daughter, Kathryn, of Washburn Prairie visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Varner Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Windes of Ft. Smith, Ark., spent Saturday night with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Windes.

Quite a number of people gathered at the home of Mrs. Ada Shipley to can apples Monday for Mr. and Mrs. Lum Shipley west of town, who lost their home and contents by fire recently.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M Varner and daughter, Anne, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Weston and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Beck have purchased a Pick-up.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Vanderpool was in Joplin last Friday on business.

Eugene and Sam Bowsher spent awhile Monday morning with George Ross.

Rev. Wireman filled his regular appointment there Sunday and Sunday night.

A. J. Bowsher and son, Charley, was in the Mineral Springs community Saturday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Vanderpool returned home one day last week from the “Boston Mountains. ”

Mr. and Mrs. John Starkey and niece spent the week-end with his sister, Mr. R. B. Duncan and family of Gaddis.

Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Cornell and son, Max, and Mr. and Mrs. Court Hastings and daughter, Jackie, spent Sunday with Mrs. Cornell’s folks, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bowsher and family.


Bill Poe, who had been employed in Idaho for some time, returned home recently. He says Idaho is all right but it’s the Ozarks for him.

We are glad to report that Mrs. Susan Haneke is getting along nicely at a Rogers hospital where she has been for some days.

Rev. Bert Smith filled his regular appointment at the Baptist church Sunday at 11 a.m. No evening service was held nor will any be held as long as the pastor has to drive from his home in Liberty, Mo.

Ott Murray, a twin brother of the late Gene Murray, was here some days visiting his brother, Hugh, and family and other relatives and old friends.

The B.T.U. meets each Sunday at 7:30 p.m. with good attendance and interest.

The children’s meeting at the Union church has been changed from Thursday to Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.

The Sec.-Treas.’ report showed an attendance of 67 at the Union Sunday School and a balance in the Treasury of $70.26, after paying out $3.50 for current expenses. Fifty-one were at the Baptist school. The point we are trying to make is that more people are in Sunday school here than usual.

After so much warm fall weather, a temperature of about 21 above makes one feel like he was up beyond the Arctic circle. Despite this we are having bright sunshiny weather and the cold is rather invigorating.

We are glad that Mrs. Horner was able to locate geologically the rock we mentioned two weeks ago. We have never been interested very much in Geology and know just about as much about that science as the proverbial hog does about Sunday.

Uncle Joe Davidson is said to be some better, we are glad to say.

We had quite a snow here last week, little of which remained on the ground. If we were to make a rough guess, we would say that three or four inches fell.

Mrs. Lola Murray, who has been employed at Independence, Mo., for a few weeks, has returned home.

Joe Rubow, a member of the Senior class of the Arkansas University at Fayetteville, spent the week-end at home. Being a member of the university band, he is not able to come home as often as he once did.

The Joplin Good Will Trippers arrived here Friday around 10 a.m. on their regular fall tour of the district. Their band played a couple of popular tunes and the representatives of Joplin’s various business firms gave out a number of advertising souvenirs. A few years ago it was customary for the school to meet them, headed by the school band, and for some one to make a welcome address which was invariably responded to by Rev. Cliff Titus. No civic event in Joplin is complete without the aid and assistance to Cliff Titus.

In giving the relatives of the late Frank Roller in another item, we failed to mention his eldest sister, Mrs. Jack Foster of Oklahoma and Mrs. Felix Weaver of Denver, Colo., also there is another sister, Mrs. Ida Kyle, who moved to the Pacific coast some 25 years ago and has not been heard from for abut as many years.

Rev. Griffith, an independent evangelist, began a series of meetings at the Union church Sunday night. Services will continue throughout the week at least, during which time he will preach mainly on prophecy as related of the present war in Europe. No doubt the 38 and 39chapters of Ezekial refer to this very conflict. Read these chapters and learn just what is going to happen to the northern kingdoms, the leading nations of which are to be Russia and Germany. So called Statesmen, apart from what the Bible tells us, know just exactly as much about this matter as the rest of us; and that is nothing at all.

Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hamblin are staying with their daughter, Mrs. Clyde Roller, out at Clantonville for the present.

We are glad to report that aunt Mary Frost is gradually recovering from her recent severe illness.

It is with much sorrow that we report the death of our old friend, schoolmate and pupil, L. F. (Frank) Roller, who passed away at his home near Clantonville, Oct. 30th, at about 8 p.m. He was the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Noah Roller and was born in 1886 on the old home place within one hundred feet of where he died. He was married some years ago to Miss Clyda Hamblin and to this union was born one daughter, Helen, who with her mother, is left to mourn the departure of a good husband and father. Sometime since the first of the year, he professed faith in Christ as his personal Savior and since that time has always said he was prepared to meet his God in peace. Interment was made in the W. D. Roller cemetery under the direction of the Koon Funeral Service, after appropriate funeral exercises by Rev. Bell. While the deceased grew up within a half mile of the writer, he best remembers him as pupil under him for five terms and as one who, during all that time, never gave him the slightest trouble.May God comfort the bereaved.

Rev. Christensen, who is in Iowa on a visit, will likely be here in time for his Sunday appointment at the Union church. If not, Mrs. Christensen will supply in his place.

Mrs. Pauline Brink of Joplin is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stapleton.

We are having some fine spring like weather the last few days.

Mrs. Loren Roden visited her mother, Mrs. Landers, from Friday until Sunday.

Everett Henson has his new house almost completed.

Mr. and Mrs. George Swartz and son of Idaho are visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blythe and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wilson and daughter visited Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Henson and son Ralph.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Westphelding are the parents of an 8 ½ lb. boy.

Cupie Atnip visited Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Troy Burbridge.

We understand Barton Ray has moved to the Westphelding place on white river.

Those who visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe England and son were, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wilson and daughter, Charlene and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Henson and son, Ralph.

Indian summer prevails at this writing.

Clyde Ryan is working near Golden this week.

Several have been butchering the past few days.

Farmer Ennis has moved to his farm north of Mineral.

Mrs. Frank Ryan was real sick last week but is better now.

A. Requa was a business caller in our burg Saturday morning.

E. L. Baker finished the work of assessing this township last week.

Mrs. Jefferies son who lives at Stella was visiting her and family Saturday.

N. D. Henson has been losing his hogs with Cholera and some more have sick ones.

A son of M. Y. May, with his wife, who live in the West, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. May.

J. D. Johnson who has been in Alabama and Tennessee for several weeks is at home for a few days.

N. D. Henson and B. C. McClure were at Butterfield last Friday night to attend a berry growers meeting.

Several relatives and friends gathered at the E. L. Baker home Sunday and set a dinner in honor of Mrs. Baker’s birthday. A nice dinner and an enjoyable time was reported.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Doyle.

The pie supper at the school house last Wednesday night was well attended and a great success.

Glendel Claud spent last weekend in Fort Smith, Ark., visiting her husband and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Niell of Kansas City have returned to their home after a visit in their home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hannah have returned from Kansas and Oklahoma where Mr. Hannah had employment.

Elmus Snook and family have moved to the Carter place west of here and a Mr. Hulett of Washburn has moved to the Erwin house vacated by Mr. Snooks.

Mr. and Mrs. Odis Taff and daughter, Betty, of Mineral Springs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hannah. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bates of Exeter and Betty Woods were also afternoon visitors.

Next Sunday will be Rev. McNabb’s appointment here.

Marjorie Burton visited Evelyn Dene Sanders Saturday night.

Mrs. Samantha Reed visited Mrs. A. T. Cowherd Wednesday of last week.

Emmitt Lansdown visited in the Ewell Lansdown home a few days last week.

Miss Pearl Garrison and Naydene attended a pie supper at Ridgley Friday night.

Several have been taking advantage of the cold weather and have butchered.

A Mr. Vineyard of Wyandotte, Okla., visited Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Burton Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Ewell Lansdown and Mrs. O. F. Burton was shopping in Monett Thursday of last week.

A Miss Morgan of Shell Knob accompanied Miss Naydene Garrison home Friday evening and spent the week-end.

Willard Burton accompanied Laverne, Eugene and Mrs. Linebarger to Cross Roads Sunday where Rev. Linebarger has been holding a revival. They stayed for the night service and brought Brother Linebarger home.

Rev. Sherman Erickson preached at New Liberty Sunday morning and as he is in a revival at Rocky Comfort, Mrs. Libby Jackson preached Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jackson visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Jackson and children Sunday. Mabel June McCully was sick and unable to go to school Monday. Uncle Bill O’Neal attended church at New Liberty Sunday.

The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Fred Weber Thursday. They will meet with Mrs. Rachel Jackson, Thursday, December 7 and will exchange Christmas presents then. The chili supper at Roscoe Jackson’s Tuesday night was a decided success.

Mrs. Fred Lamp and Mrs. Loren Suttles visited Rev. and Mrs. Si Crouch Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hilton and Roscoe Jackson visited their sister, Mrs. Frank Epperly at Hardin, Okla., last week.

Mrs. Emily Harris of Purdy is visiting her son, Tom Harris, and family.

Sunday school was well attended Sunday.

Mary Stephenson spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stephenson.

Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Holman and daughters spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Munday and family.

Those visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Meadows Sunday were; Mr. and Mrs. James Moss and Sam Munday and children.

Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan of Purdy and family spent Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. McCormick.

Mrs. Ruby Holman and baby, Mrs. Belva Holman visited Tuesday with Mrs. Minnie Meadows.

Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Risley and sons visited Saturday night in the C. E. Risley home.

Several attended the party in the John Epperly home Saturday night.

Ideal fall weather at this time.

Mrs. James Moss, and Mrs. Len--- Stephenson called at the home of T. E. Meadows Tuesday.

Several from here were Cassville visitors Saturday.

Lee Holman and family attended church services at Victor Sunday night.

Prayer services each Sunday night at this place. Everyone attended.

Mrs. Lavancha Williamson of Kansas City spent last week with relatives here, also attended church services Wednesday night.

The revival closed here Wednesday night with one conversion.

Monroe Williams has been working on his farm the past week. He lives near Aurora.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoggett visited with Mr. and Mrs. Banty Greenway Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hemphill and son visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Melton Saturday night.

Mrs. Mida Hoggett visited Friday with Mrs. Ada Hoggett and Mrs. Atha Hoggett of Tom Town.

Maurice Hemphill of Los Angeles, Calif., is visiting with his parents. He is signing up more men for the airplane factory in California.

Banty Greenway is having a public sale Tuesday of Livestock and household goods. He and family are leaving for California very soon.

Elmer Copeland has bought a saw mill.

Leo Patton has been on the sick list.

Halloween passed off very quietly in this part.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robbins visited in this part Sunday.

We had our first snow last week but it melted as fast as it fell.

Mrs. Lillie Iler visited with Mrs. Ola Henson Saturday afternoon.

The club is to meet with Mrs. Elsie Stockton next Thursday, November 9th.

Rev. Oliver Coons preached at Lone Elm Wednesday and Thursday night of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hudson have returned home. They have been in California the past few months.

Pauline Hilburn has the mumps.

Ruby Hilburn spent Sunday with Jackie Prier of Butterfield.

Several of this part have been attending the revival at Butterfield.

Edgar Schad of Purdy was in this part Monday blood-testing chickens.

Mr. and Mrs. George Page of Cassville visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mattice.

Mrs. Rachel Hilburn of Black spent Sunday with her son, Sam Hilburn, and family.

Kate and Mary Moeller of Butterfield visited Sunday afternoon with Wyonna and Zelma Hilburn.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stockton of Stony Point spent Sunday with Mrs. Edith Barker and children.

Walter Forester had a sale Thursday and have left for Arizona. They will make their home there.

Roy Gentry has moved to Butterfield, Ralph Craig moving to the place vacated by Mr. Gentry.

Mr. and Mrs. Arch Boyd and family of Butterfield spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Priest.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bacon and family of Washburn spent Sunday with Mrs. Leslie Chappell and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Niskern of Purdy spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hilburn.

Berniece Abram of ___ Russell returned home Thursday, after a two week’s visit with Marjorie and Ruby Douthitt.

Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Reed and daughter, Esther Fay, of Golden, visited awhile Monday with her mother, Mrs. Mary Hilburn.

M. L. Bond of Hamburg, Ark., Mrs. Edgar Campbell and Mrs. Minnie Harris of Louisana, visited the past week at the home of C. Mattice.

Those who spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Craig were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Craig and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Douthitt and daughter, Mona Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moeller.

Perry Hawkins is on the sick list this week.

Mrs. Murl Creason visited Mrs. Elmer Savage Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Castle took dinner with Henry Coffey’s Sunday.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Savage has been ill of a kidney ailment.

The pie supper Friday night, Nov. 3, was a success, the pies bringing about $30.00.

Ester Slagle and Mrs. Arthur Crider visited Mrs. Luther Wells Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Drake of Monett visited her sister, Mrs. Murl Creason, Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Britt Wells of Wheaton spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wells.

Viola Coffey returned home Sunday after an extended stay with her brother, Frank Coffey, of Monett.

Russell Davidson and Leota Foster were married at Wheaton Saturday. We wish them a long married life.

Mr. and Mrs. Oras Birkes and children are spending a week with his sister, Mrs. Herman Garrison of Kansas City.

At last the Layton Hollow road has started. This is a very badly needed piece of road and I am sure the mail man will appreciate it when its finished.

The Halloween party sponsored by the P. T. A. given Tuesday night was a grand success. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams won the prize for being the oddest dressed couple. There were other prizes given. Everyone stayed until a late hour, and after a midnight supper of sandwiches and cocoa, returned to their places of abode.

Sunday school and church were well attended here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Robberson of the Quaker community attended church here Sunday and were dinner guests of Eva Liles.

Amos and Arthur Hall were Sunday visitors in the Ernest Lewis home in Aurora.

Darline Beeson spent Saturday with Betty Jean Hankins.

A farewell supper was given to Mrs. Baker and her mother, Mrs. Harris, Wednesday night. They are moving to near Wheaton. Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hall and sons; Andrew and John Johnson, Violet, Leoma, Jewell, and Harold Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall and children, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Couch and son, Wayne; Lavanis Hall, Catherine and John Couch, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sanders and son Marlett, and John Zilliox.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lovell and family were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Sam Tash home.

Mrs. Maude Hall has been on the sick list.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Alexander and family of near Exeter were visitors in the Sam Hall home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mason and son of near Springfield were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sanders and son, Marlett.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Couch spent Sunday with Eva Liles.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cooper and family visited relatives in Oklahoma last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall and children, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Couch and son, were Tuesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Couch and family.

Billie Hall spent Sunday with Ralph Keeton.

Bee Starnes of the Quaker community spent Saturday night with Leoma and Jewell Brooks.

Thelma Sanders was a guest of Lora Mae Keeton Tuesday night.

The first snow of the season fell here last Thursday.

Christian Endeavor and church were well attended here Sunday night. We take this means of inviting you, who are not attending C. E. or church elsewhere, to come and worship with us. A hearty welcome is always extended.

Mr. and Mrs. Aubry Chastain and family were visitors in the Jenkins community Sunday.

Prayer meeting here each Wednesday night starting promptly at 7:00 o’clock. Gladys Couch was leader Wednesday night. Andrew Johnson Wednesday night.

Andrew Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas spent Tuesday at Monett.

Rev. J. F. King, District Supervisor of the Methodist church, called on Rev. E. E. Hall Monday on business.

Revival meeting going on at Victory conducted by Bro. Ben Henderson and Benton Fly.

Bro. Earl Nickles filled his appointment here Sunday. There were three conversions Sunday. Everybody come to help and to get help.

Mrs. Lewis Hoenshell has been very sick, but is better at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Ash accompanied by Melvin Hobbs and Calvin Hoenshell were visiting relatives Sunday at Miller, Mo.

Mrs. Martin Brandon called on her father, T. L. Bennett of Cassville Tuesday.

Ben Henderson, Benton Fly, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brown, Miss Jewell and Norma Pryor took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Edd Koch Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nickle wee Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hadley.

Mrs. Marion Ash visited over the week-end with relatives in Springfield.

Pauline Nickle took dinner Sunday with Barbara Jean Coon.

Edd Koch and Clyde Allwood were in Cassville on business Tuesday.

The death angel again entered our community and claimed for its victim Grandma Pryor, age 89 years. She had been ailing for over two years, but a stroke of paralysis took her away Thursday night. Hers has been a life of usefulness and she was a devoted church worker, and always lived up a standard of a life consecrated to God. The bereaved ones have our sympathy. The was laid to rest in the Sparks cemetery.

Willard Camp visited school at “Buzzard Glory” Thursday afternoon.

Geal Boman was slumber guest in the L. D. Armstrong home Sunday night.

Old man winter was in our community last Thursday spreading on the whitening.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson and son, Irval John, and Mary Moore visited Aunt Hannah Moore Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Moyer of Pine Creek, Mrs. Hurstle Boman and son, Byron, were Sunday evening visitors in the Earl Lawson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Summey and children, Mrs. Shortie Routh, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson and son were in Pineville on business Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lacey Armstrong and daughter, Maxine, and Bonita Schell of Jacket and Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Schell were Sunday visitors in the Hurstle Boman home.

Mr. and Mr. H. A. Moyer expect to leave for Northern Missouri today, Monday, to visit relatives. They plan to spend Christmas at Holley, Colo., with their son Leslie and family.

The Halloween party at the school house was well attended to be so many sick. Mrs. Hurstle Boman won the prize for the best costume. Geal Boman won the prize for eating the apple of the string with her hand behind her; Lorene Lawson won in the girls contest eating crackers; Billy Talbert won in the boys contest eating the crackers. Billy also won in getting the apples out of the tub of water. All enjoyed the evening. The ladies had well filled dishes that were served to all present.
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