Newspaper Fairview World
Date September 1915
Headline Sam Early's Birthday
Text Sam Early one of Newton County's pioneer's and highly respected citizen had the surprise of his life Tuesday. He went to Wheaton to see his daughter Mrs. J. Allman. When he arrived there no one was at home. He started back home and upon arriving found many buggies and carriages then it came to his mind that it was his 70th birthday.

Mr. Early has resided in this section 35 years, having lived at his present location about 15 years. His hobby is his fruit trees. He has a beautiful young orchard of 3 yr-old trees, one of these bearing over 100 pears this year.

The many friends that gathered to celebrate the event brought boxes and baskets filled with presents and good things to eat and when the table was arranged in the yard as there was not room to set it in the house, and all the cakes, pie and chicken to say nothing of the rest of the trimmings was a grand sight, especially when 120 people gathered around it.

The Photographer of Pioneer was on the job to take a picture of the group and table. Mr. and Mrs. Early were seated about the center in front of the long table, while the balance made a back ground when the picture was taken. Mr. Early had his great great grand-child by his side.

Among the old folks at the dinner was Mrs. Davidson age 81, Mrs. Crandall age 71, Mrs. Gahn 74, Mrs. Major 67, Dahn Gahn 77, T. M. White 73, Mack Gentry 75, W. D. Reed 71, W. H. Moss 74.

After doing justice to the dinner and having a very pleasant time, the friends departed for their homes, wishing their host many more bright and happy birthdays.
Resource News Article - Fairview World
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