Newspaper Seligman Missouri Sunbeam - Reprinted in the Benton County Democrat
Date January 2, 1896
Headline Walter Murray Killed
Text Our little city was thrown into a great state of excitement on Christmas Eve. After the merry distribution of the many presents of the tree at the Union church and the dismissal of the crowd, everything seemed bright and serene until a crown of boys gathered on the street, some of whom were intoxicated, and a difficulty soon arose. It seems that Eugene Murray and Frank Snodgrass were the first to have words which resulted in blows. About this time, Abijah Fairchild, who was deputized to assist the constable in keeping order arrived on the scene and attempted to quell the disturbance but Walter Murray, an older brother of Eugene, interfered and wanted the boys to fight it out. A few words passed between he and Fairchild when he threw off his coat, drew a knife and made at Fairchild, cutting him in the left side. Fairchild drew a pistol and fired three shots at Murray, the last one taking effect in Murray's head just above the left eye and penetrated the brain. Although unconscious he lingered for nearly 48 hours before death. The remains were interred at New Salem cemetery Friday. Abijah Fairchild's wound is not serious and he is now convalescent. At the coroner's inquest it was decided to hold him and he was placed under a $3000 bond to appear for preliminary examination before Squire Patterson on Tuesday, December 31. This is a sad affair as both these young men belong to good families and were not of age, both being about 19 years old.
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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