
Patton Cemetery, Barry County, Missouri

Coordinates - 364436N 0940237W, NE Sec. 3, T22N, R29W

Wheaton Township

View Patton Cemetery Files Here

From junction of 76 - 86 (hwy. splits here 76 goes to Rocky Comfort, 86 goes to Wheaton) south of Wheaton go 1 mile on hwy 76 - 86. Look west about 200 yards down a fence row (FR1010 goes through the middle of the land near the cemetery.) If you look to the west you From junction of 76 - 86 (hwy. splits here 76 goes to Rocky Comfort, 86 goes to Wheaton) south of Wheaton go 1 mile on hwy 76 - 86. Look west about 200 yards down a fence row (FR1010 goes through the middle of the land near the cemetery.) If you look to the west you can see it from the road. The cemetery is fenced with barb wire, grown up with a tall grass. can see it from the road. The cemetery is fenced with barb wire, grown up with a tallgrass.
Gary at Wheaton Muffler owns the cemetery. He says you can visit by parking near the gate and then walking across the field to it. He also said that he sold the land around it but kept the cemetery. (2006 - Donna Cooper)

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