BCG&HS | Barry County Missouri Genealogical & Historical Society P.O. Box 291 Cassville, Missouri 65625 Barry County Genealogical & Historical Society Officers Bayless House Project 2006 Photos of Meeting - Donna Cooper, Speaker |
MEETINGS & DUES | Ancestors Unlimited Quarterly is published by the Barry County Genealogical & Historical Society. Membership in the society is $15.00 per family and $15.00 per individual. Membership is by the calendar year, January 1 to December 31. Each member or family receives all issues for that calendar year.
It might be a good idea to double check with the society before sending money - because they can always use donations. Send Membership Dues to: BCG&H Society c/o Registrar P.O. Box 291 Cassville, MO 65625 Please make checks payable to BCG&HS |
MEMBERSHIP POLICY | Barry County Genealogical & Historical Society
Membership Policy Memberships are $15 per individual household annually, due upon initial entrance into the Society, and by the 30th of December for each upcoming year thereafter. Membership includes the quarterly publication, A Glance Back In Time. We welcome new members at any time during the year. |
DONATIONS | Thanks to all of you! Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Read about donations here at this link |
2017 OFFICERS | Contact person: Buddie & Georgie Hart
We now meet the third SATURDAY of the month at the Bayless House at 1:00 2019 Officers are: Phillip Van Voorst Vice President - Terry Hart 2nd Vice President - Lynna Marie Spellman Treasurer - Kathleen Van Voorst Recording Secretary - Terry Hart Corresponding Secretary - Robin Henderson Norma Terry is Librarian; Carol Fazzini, Historian; Georgia Hart, Registrar and Editor |
FOR SALE ITEMS | Reprint of 1888 Edition, Online Index Goodspeed Reprint
Reprint - Goodspeed's 1888 History of Barry County $9.00 Roaring River Heritage $5.00 Hanged by the Neck Until Dead $6.00 Five Year Commemorative Booklet (Includes 1840 census) $7.50 Cassville Missouri in the Civil War (Souvenir Booklet) $5.00 Cookbook "A Tribute to our Ancestors" $13.00 A Glance back in Time $15.00 Barry County Pioneer's and Beyond $55.00 Shell Knob Centennial 1835-1985 $15.00 Roden Book $15.00 Our Henson's $15.00 Eubanks Book $15.00 Fairview School 1897-1963 $5.00 Ancestors Unlimited Quarterly All back issues can be purchased individually for $4.00 each. Back issues of 1990 - (Only 2 issues published) - check with the society for current prices. Back issues of 1991 thru 1998 - 4 issues in each year - check with the society for current prices. Purchase specific pages from their Quarterlies - check with the society for current prices. |
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