Name | Rank | Co. | Town | Remarks |
Geo Butterfield | Adjutant | - | - | promo Capt and
Asst Adj General |
Geo L Fisk | Qmaster | - | Mazeppa | dsch 5/15/65
George Atkinson | Captain | G | Lake City | dsch with
regiment |
Wesley Kinney | 1st Lt | G | Mazeppa | dsch with
regiment |
Nate. (Nathaniel F) Randolph | 2nd Lt | G | Mt Pleasant
| resigned 11/12/64 |
Henry Selover | 1st Sgt | G | Lake City | promo 1st Lt
dsch with regiment |
Julius Austin | Private | A | Chester | dsch 7/11/65
Geo J Secoy | Private | A | Chester | dsch with reiment
Henry H Wiley | Private | A | Chester | promo corp dsch
with regiment |
William Hall | Private | D | Wab. Co. | dsch 7/11/1865 |
George Carpenter | Private | E | Plainview | dsch at Ft
Snelling with regiment at the hospital 1865 |
Wm H Ponsford | Private | E | Lake City | wnd Murfreesboro
12/15/64 dsch 5/26/65 |
Lyman E Thorp | Sergeant | G | Mazeppa | promo 1st
Sgt dsch with regiment |
James Armstrong | Sergeant | G | Chester | dsch with regiment
Samuel D Welch | Sergeant | G | Gillford | dsch 5/12/65
Samuel V Carr | Sergeant | G | Lake City | dsch with regiment
Benjamin Rawalt | Corporal | G | Chester | dsch with
regiment |
Stanley M Veeder | Corporal | G | Mt Pleasant | killed 12/7/64
at the battle of the Cedars |
Moses B Whitney | Corporal | G | Lake City | promo sgt dsch
with the regiment |
Enos Way | Corporal | G | Mazeppa | promo sgt dsch with the
regiment |
Sanford Woodworth | Corporal | G | Gillford | dsch with
regiment |
Joseph E Farrow | Corporal | G | Lake City | dsch with
regiment |
Albert H Taisey | Corporal | G | Lake City | dsch for
promo 4/17/64 to 1st Lt in 68th Colored Inf |
Geo C Everett | Corporal | G | Mazeppa | dsch with regiment
James A Oliver | Wagoner | G | Gillford | dsch with
regiment |
Allen Allison | Private | G | Mt Pleasant | dsch with
regiment |
Thomas Baldwin | Private | G | Lake City | dsch dsbl
2/10/63 |
Clark (B) Bartlett | Private | G | Chester | dsch
7/11/65 |
Lewellyn Bartlett | Private | G | Chester | dsch 7/11/65 in the
hospital |
Philander (O) Bartlett | Private | G | Lake City | dsch in hosp
6/65 |
Gilbert Beardsley | Private | G | Mazeppa | dsch with
regiment |
John Body | Private | G | Hyde Park | dsch with regiment
Daniel L Burdict | Private | G | Chester | dsch with regiment
James E Cady | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with regiment
Augustin Carpenter | Private | G | Lake City | missing
9/20/64 supposed murdered by Indians |
Patrick Carroll | Private | G | W Albany | dsch with regiment
Joseph F (S) Collins | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with
regiment |
Alonzo Congdon | Private | G | Gillford | dsch in hosp 7/7/65
Joseph Crawshaw | Private | G | W Albany | dsch 7/6/65 at
Ft Snelling |
David Cronin | Private | G | Lake City | died 5/1/63 at Fort
Abercrombie NoDak |
David C Crow | Private | G | Wab Co | dsch from
hospital |
Geo H Davis | Private | G | Mazeppa | dsch with
regiment |
Jas A Densmore | Private | G | Lake City | left sick at Coon
Cr Mn 9/1/62 never returned to regiment VA lists as died of disease |
John Desso | Private | G | Lake City | absent on furlough
when discharged |
John S (J) Dilley | Private | G | Lake City | dsch 7/11/65
Stephen W Downing | Private | G | Greenfield | dsch with
regiment |
Pratt Drinkwalter | Private | G | Mazeppa | dsch in hosp
7/26/65 |
Henry C Eaton | Private | G | Chester | dsch with regiment
W B Emmons | Private | G | Mazeppa | dsch in hosp
7/26/65 |
Albert J Field | Private | G | Gillford | dsch with
regiment |
George Forbes | Private | G | Gillford | dsch 11/15/64
Onicomusm (Onecannes N)
Frink | Private | G | Mazeppa | dsch dsbl 7/19/63 |
James B Glover | Private | G | Gillford | dsch 6/13/65
Rufus R Goodell | Private | G | Mazeppa | dsch with
regiment |
John (R) Goodenough | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with
regiment |
Richard Hammond | Private | G | Lake City | wnd in arm at
Murfreesboro dsch in hosp 7/26/65 |
John C Haradon | Private | G | Gillford | dsch
7/11/65 |
Wm H Hayes | Private | G | Lake City | dsch 6/2/65
Baker Harrison | Private | G | Lake City | dsch 7/11/65
James Hendren | Private | G | Hyde Park | dsch 7/11/65
Clarence Hubbard | " |
G | Lake City | dsch 7/5/65 on detached duty at dsch |
Wilson Hutchins | Private | G | Mazeppa | dsch with
regiment |
Albert Jones | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with regiment
Oliver Jones | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with regiment
Lewis C Judd | Private | G | Chester | dsch with
regiment |
Henry (C) Keeler | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with
regiment |
Thomas Kinney | Private | G | Hyde Park | dsch with
regiment |
Wm C Knapp | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with regiment
Nicholas Lippert | Private | G | Mazeppa | dsch with
regiment |
Manley B Lowe | Private | G | Gillford | dsch with regiment
Fred Mack | Private | G | Lake City | dsch for promotion
Eugene Manning | Private | G | Gillford | died 11/16/63 at Ft
Abercrombie No Dak |
Wm McDonough | Private | G | Zumbro | dsch with
regiment at Ft Snelling |
Daniel Monroe | Private | G | W Albany | promo corp dsch
with regiment |
Thomas Nesdell | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with
regiment |
Wm H Norton | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with regiment
Wm H Parsons | Private | G | Lake City | dsch
7/11/65 |
Lewis C Paxon | Private | G | Lake City | promo sgt
major 3/1/65 trans to NCS |
Barna B Powers | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with
regiment |
James Reeves | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with
regiment |
William Reeves | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with
regiment |
Henry (C) Rigby | Private | G | Lake city | dsch with
regiment |
John J Ross | Private | G | Lake city | deserted 10/1/62 at St
Cloud MN |
James Saunders (Sanders) | Private | G | Mt Pleasant | dsch
with regiment |
George Selover | Private | G | Lake City | promo corp dsch
with regiment |
Daniel Shaeffer (Schaeffer) | Private | G | Mt Pleasant | dsch
with regiment |
Frank Shepard | Private | G | Mazeppa | dsch 4/1/63 at Ft
Abercrombie |
Henry (K) Sherman | Private | G | Lake City | deserted
6/4/64 at Ft Ridgely |
Collin Sinclair | Private | G | Gillford | dsch with regiment
Isaiah Smith | Private | G | Lake City | died 9/4/63 at Ft
Abercrombie |
James O Smith | Private | G | Chester | dsch with
regiment |
Samuel B Smith | Private | G | Lake City | dsch 5/25/65
John Soules | Private | G | Wab Co | dsch with regiment
Benjamin (L) Starr | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with
regiment |
John J Stearns | Private | G | Gillford | dsch while on extra
service |
Leander W Stearns | Private | G | Gillford | dsch 5/8/65
Miles H Sweeny | Private | G | Hyde Park | dsch with
regiment |
Riley C Tabor | Private | G | Mt Pleasant | promo corp dsch
with regiment |
Chas F Taylor | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with regiment
Howard (G) Thompson | Private | G | Lake City | dsch with
regiment |
Edwin Walters | Private | G | Gillford | dsch
7/11/65 |
Reuben Warren | Private | G | Mt Pleasant | dsch with
regiment |
John R S Warring | Private | G | Gillford | dsch
5/26/65 |
John T Webster | Private | G | Lake City | dsch 6/28/65 at St
Paul |
Thomas J Webster | Private | G | W Albany | dsch
6/6/65 |
Samuel Welch | Private | G | Gillford | dsch 5/12/65
James H White | Private | G | Lake City | dsch 7/11/65
James L White | Private | G | Mazeppa | dsch with
regiment |
Chauncy Woodworth | Private | G | Gillford | dsch 5/8/65
Edwin Woodworth | Private | G | Gillford | dsch 7/11/65
Horace (M) Workman | Private | G | Lake City | promo corp
dsch with regiment |
Alexander Young | Private | G | Hyde Park | dsch with
regiment |
Henry C Brant | Private | H | Gillford | dsch dsbl
2/24/65 |
John L Cole | Private | H | Greenfield | dsch 5/10/65
James Dawson | Private | H | Chester | dsch 7/11/65
William D Dow | Private | H | Chester | dsch 7/11/1865
John Goodman | Private | H | Mazeppa | dsch with regiment
Thomas Halloway | Private | H | Mazeppa | dsch with
regiment |
John S Huntley | Private | H | Wabasha | deserted 2/28/63
Jacob I Jackson | Private | H | Lake City | dsch with regiment
Dennis Larry | Private | H | Lake City | dsch with regiment
Lafayette McManus | Private | H | Mazeppa | dsch 6/5/65
while in the hospital |
Chas T Sutton | Private | H | Lake City | dsch
7/11/65 |
James Whaley | Private | H | Gillford | promo corp dsch
7/11/65 |
Uriah Whaley | Private | H | Zumbro | dsch 7/11/65
Charles Beer | Private | I | Elgin | dsch with
regiment |
John K Davis | Private | I | Mazeppa | dsch with regiment
James Kane | Private | I | Mt Pleasant | promo corp dsch
8/11/1865 |
King Smith | Private | I | Lake City | promo corp dsch
7/11/65 |
Henry Duerre | Corporal | K | Pepin | dsch for promo
9/15/64 |
Peter (G)
Dickman | Private | K | Oakwood | dsch with
regiment |
Jacob Ide | Private | K | Pepin | dsch with regiment
Martin Kratz | Private | K | Pepin | dsch with regiment
Thomas Milton | Private | K | Pepin | dsch with regiment
Wm H Milton | Private | K | Pepin | dsch with regiment
Joseph Netzer | Private | K | Pepin | dsch with regiment
Frederick Niehardt | Private | K | Pepin | trans to invalid corp
4/11/1964 |
Julius Niehardt | Private | K | Pepin |
dsch with regiment |
Nicholas Webber | Private | K | Pepin | dsch with
regiment |