Name | Rank | Company | Town | Remarks |
Chas W Hacket | Captain | C | Wabasha | dsch for
genl disbl by order 1864 |
Albert (S) Hopson | 1st Lieutenant | C | Plainview | prom Capt
dsch dsbl 9/26/64 |
John Lathrop | 2nd Lieutenant | C | Elgin | promo 1st Lt dsch
3/30/64 |
Wallace W Case | 1st Sergeant | C | Plainview | promo 2nd
Lt dsch with regiment |
Oliver (H) Holcombe | Sergeant | C | Highland | dsch for
promo to major in US colored infantry |
John B Robinson | Sergeant | C | Elgin | dsch with regiment
Oliver (P) Crawford | Sergeant | C | Elgin | dsch dsbl
10/7/62 |
Martin (W) Benschter
(Bechter) | Sergeant | C | Oakwood | dsch dsbl 12/3/63 |
John W Murphy | Corporal | C | Greenfield | killed
12/16/64 in battle of Nashville |
John M Burnham | Corporal | C | Plainview | promo sgt dsch
4/4/65 for promo to USCI |
Francis W Knapp | Corporal | C | Highland | promo sgt dsch
1/1/65 for wnds received at Nashville (wnd in hand lost ring and little fingers) |
James M Collier | Corporal | C | Greenfield | reduced to ranks
dsch with regiment |
Chas G Dawley | Corporal | C | Highland | promo sgt killed
12/16/64 at the battle of Nashville |
Henry Hipple | Corporal | C | Plainview | promo
quartermaster dsch with regiment |
Austin D Caroll (Carroll) | Corporal | C | Plainview | killed
12/16/65 at the battle of Nashville |
Collins Pratt | Musician | C | Oakwood | dsch with
regiment |
Octavus (Octavius A) Leland | Musician | C | Elgin |
dsch with regiment |
David Ackley | Wagoner | C | Plainview | dsch with
regiment |
Joseph Hewitt | Private | B | Glasgow | dsch 8/1865
absent |
David Staples | Private | B | Minneiska | dsch
8/19/1865 |
M H Stevens | Private | B | Mazeppa dsch | 5/26/1865 per
order |
Hiram Bemis | Private | C | Plainview | promo corp
dsch dsbl 4/11/63 |
John W (M) Benthall | Private | C | Wabasha | dsch with
regiment |
Clarence Buck | Private | C | Plainview | dsch 8/19/65
Franklin (M) Buck | Private | C | Plainview | dsch 1865
absent |
Silas R Burpee | Private | C | Greenfield | straggled from
ranks while marching in Arkansas never heard from since |
Clarence (L) Burtch | Private | C | Plainview | dsch with
regiment |
John Burton | Private | C | Highland | dsch 8/1/65
absent |
John Byrnes (Burnes) | Private | C | Highland | dsch with
regiment |
William Canfield | Private | C | Highland | promo corp dsch
with regiment |
Alanson (H) Case | Private | C | Oakwood | wnd Nashville
12/16/64 dsch with regiment |
Joseph Chamberlain | Private | C | Elgin | dsch with regiment
Thomas (C) Clepperton (Cepperton) | Private | C |
Elgin | dsch with regiment |
William Collins | Private | C | Plainview | dsch with
regiment |
David E Cross | Private | C | Elgin | promo corp sgt dsch
with regiment |
Edwin Cross | Private | C | Elgin | dsch 4/29/1865 per
order |
Thomas J Cross | Private | C | Plainview | promo Musician
dsch with regiment |
Daniel (M) Davis | Private | C | Elgin | dsch dsbl 4/11/63
Wm R Davis | Private | C | Elgin | dsch dsbl 5/25/63
Edward Day | Private | C | Plainview | dsch dsbl 5/25/63
Almon H Doeg | Private | C | Plainview | died 12/19/64 of
wnds rcvd at Nashville |
George W Drew | Private | C | Wabasha | promo corp dsch
with regiment |
Peter Erickson | Private | C | Oakwood | dsch with regiment
David Foley | Private | C | Oakwood | dsch dsbl 8/15/64
Chas D Foster | Private | C | Plainview | dsch with regiment
James G Foster | Private | C | Highland | died 3/5/65 at
Memphis TN |
Zelotus Foster | Private | C | Highland | dsch dsbl 5/11/65
Gilbert Hancock | Private | C | Elgin | died 2/28/65 at
Memphis TN of wnds rcvd at Nashville |
Francis Harpham | Private | C | Minneiska | dsch 4/18/65 for
wnds(ankle) rcvd at Nashville |
Henry Harpham | Private | C | Minneiska | dsch
8/19/65 |
James W Hayes | Private | C | Plainview | promo corp sgt
dsch 8/19/65 |
Lewis Johnson | Private | C | Plainview | deserted 12/1/62 at
Ft Ridgely |
Hans Juelson (Jaelson) | Private | C | Highland | dsch with
regiment |
George W Knowlton | Private | C | Greenfield | dsch with
regiment |
Merritt (G) Lawrence | Private | C | Plainview | died 3/26/63
at LeSueur MN |
Albert Linstram | Private | C | Wautopa | dsch with regiment
James W Lockey | Private | C | Plainview | wnd Tupelo
expedition dsch with regiment |
James Mallinson | Private | C | Watopa | dsch dsbl
4/11/1863 |
Geo Mathewson | Private | C | Elgin | dsch dsbl 1/26/64
Edward (H) Matterson | Private | C | Highland | died 7/14/65
at New Orleans of small pox |
Arthur Mckay | Private | C | Elgin | dsch
6/5/1865 |
James H McRay | Private | C | Elgin | dsch with
regiment |
Robt Moody | Private | C | Elgin | dsch dsbl 10/5/64
David Mullens | Private | C | Wabasha | died 2/2/65 on
hospital steamer D A January |
Eusebius Mullens | Private | C | Wautopa | died 1/12/65
of wnds recvd in battle of Nashville |
Christ Nelson | Private | C | Highland | killed 12/16/64 in the
battle of Nashville |
John Nelson | Private | C | Minneiska | trans to veteran
reserve corps 10/63 |
Royal W Olmsted | Private | C | Elgin | dsch
6/5/65 |
Lemuel (S) Orton | Private | C | Minneiska | dsch 5/15/65
Charles Osgood | Private | C | Plainview | dsch 8/19/65
John Parker | Private | C | Wabasha | dsch with regiment
drafted |
Josiah A Peck | Private | C | Plainview | promo corp sgt dsch
with regiment |
Otis Pomeroy | Private | C | Elgin | dsch with regiment
Wm M Purvis (Parvis) | Private | C | Plainview | dsch 5/12/65
Geo C Putnam | Private | C | Minneiska | dsch 5/16/65
Nathan Putnam | Private | C | Minneiska | killed 12/16/64 at
Nashville |
James M Rounds | Private | C | Elgin | absent when dsch
John L Safford | Private | C | Plainview | promo corp dsch
with regiment |
Christian Shilson | Private | C | Minneiska | dsch 6/24/65
Wm O Sleeper | Private | C | Oakwood | dsch 5/12/65
Henry Snyder | Private | C | Wautopa | dsch 1865 absent
Henry Southwick | Private | C | Pepin | dsch with regiment
Henry Stuart | Private | C | Highland | dsch 7/17/65 absent
James K Taft | Private | C | Highland | promo corp dsch with
regiment |
Geo W Tenny | Private | C | Plainview | dsch dsbl
9/3/63 |
John Thompson | Private | C | Plainview | promo corp sgt
dsch with regiment |
John Tuft | Private | C | Plainview | dsch
8/19/1865 |
Ogden (D) Warner | Private | C | Plainview | dsch with
regiment |
Horace (B) Whiting | Private | C | Wabasha | dsch 6/5/65
Francis H (M) Wildes (Wilde) | Private | C |
Greenfield | promo corp dsch 1865 absent |
Daniel Winter (Einter) | Private | C | Elgin | dsch dsbl 4/5/65
John D Winter | Private | C | Elgin | dsch with regiment
Wm W Wright | Private | C | Minneiska | died 3/1/63 at
LeSueur MN |
Nathaniel Yeoman | Private | C | Highland | dsch dsbl
6/30/65 |
Daniel Young | Private | C | Elgin | dsch dsbl
10/14/64 |
Solomon Young | Private | C | Watopa | dsch 9/27/64 for
wnds received at the battle of Tupelo |
Ulric Berg | Private | D | Wabasha | died 10/1/64 at Memphis
TN |
John Reeves | Private | D | Lake City | died 12/18/1865 of
wnds rcvd Nashville |
Samuel Middleton | Private | E | Plainview | died 2/25/65 at
Memphis TN of wounds rcvd at Nashville |
Charles Flemming | Private | F | Oakwood | killed 12/16/64
at Nashville |
August Krueger | Private | F | Minneiska | drowned in
Mississippi river 5/22/65 |
Bartholomew Costello | Private | H | Plainview | dsch with
regiment |
James Perkins | Private | H | Oakwood | dsch 8/19/65
Walter McNallan (M'Nallan) | Private | H | Highland | promo
corp wnd in thigh dsch 8/19/65 |
Samuel Radabaugh | Private | H | Highland | Mustered but
never joined company no record of discharge |