Pine Co., Minnesota Census Records

Census Records

Census Genealogy Resources

Not finding what you need here? Check out these sites:

Census Historical Resources

If you are researching a family that appears on the US or state census, it is important to understand the purpose and methods behind the images and transcriptions. Some of these links may be of interest:

Blank Census Transcription Forms

1849 - Territorial

1857 - Territorial

1860 - Federal - Buchanan County

1860 - Federal - Pine County

1865 - State

1870 - Federal

1875 - State

1880 - Federal

1885 - State

1890 - Federal

1895 - State

1900 - Federal

1905 - State

1910 - Federal

1920 - Federal

1930 - Federal

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Copyright 2008 by Melissa Warner
[email protected]