Photos for John Michael Malovich II

A Wilson Family Tree

Photos for John Michael Malovich II

Bill Thomas, John Malovich, Russ Ingram
Walker Radio Company; May 1954

John Malovich
High school senior photo; late 1954 or early1955

Ernie Trinaistich, John Malovich, Matt Trinaistich, Dorothy (Hill) Trinaistich, Milena (Sepich) Trinaistich, Betty (Trinaistich) Wilson, Mary (Tomazin) Trinaistich, Betty Ann Trinaistich, Jim Wilson, John Trinaistich, Dorothy Wilson

Ray (Hedwig), John II, and John Malovich
May 1959

John Jr., Elsie, John Sr., and Edith Malovich

John Malovich
Backpacking in Colorado; July 1970

Note: Some of the information in these pages is uncertain. Please let me know of errors or omissions using the email link above.    ...Mike Wilson

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