Notes for August Sommerlatte

A Wilson Family Tree

Notes for August Sommerlatte

From Find A Grave (listing for August Sommerlatte):

August Sommerlatte, was the son of Christoph August and Johanne "Jetzschmann" Sommerlatte, he was born in Worlitz-Anhalt Dessau, Prussia.

He married Caroline Mering in about 1853 in Prussia, the couple were the parent's of two Children.

In 1858 August and his wife and two children, along with his father, departed his homeland, from the Port of Bremen, and arrived at the Port of Galveston, on July 01, 1858, and established a home in Colorado County, Texas.

It is not known at this time the location of his burial, but it is possible that he is buried in the Sommerlatte Cemetery, located in Colorado County, Texas.

Details obtained from Colorado Historical Society, indicate that there is no headstones or any other kind of markers in the Sommerlatte Cemetery, which leaves no indication as to the indiviuals that maybe interened there.

Note: Some of the information in these pages is uncertain. Please let me know of errors or omissions using the email link above.    ...Mike Wilson

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