Notes for Carolina Dukic

A Wilson Family Tree

Notes for Carolina Dukic

Edith Carroll told me that this was Elizabeth's sister. Her name is Caroline on her cemetery headstone, but Carolina on Elizabeth Trinaistich's baptism certificate. She is listed as Carola on the Status Animarum page from Kastav, Croatia. The Genealogy Center of Kastav and Liburnia gives her name as Carola Dukich-Banicich.

It looks like Carolina came to the U.S. on the ship La Lorraine, departing from Le Havre, France, and arriving at Ellis Island on 13 Apr 1903. A passenger named Karlina Dukic is listed, traveling with her brother Johann (Ivan) ( The manifest said that she was going to join her sister E. Trinajstic in Trinidad, CO. Age of 42 also fits. Place of residence is listed as Kastav.

Her headstone says Caroline Dukic, 1860 - 1919.

Note: Some of the information in these pages is uncertain. Please let me know of errors or omissions using the email link above.    ...Mike Wilson

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