Gourdneck Prairie Cemetery Transcription
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Property of the Vicksburg Historical Society
Historic Village - STRONG SCHOOL |
Maintained by Schoolcraft Township Township Office: 50 East VW Avenue, Vicksbug 49097, tel. 269 649-1276 Village Office: 154 W. Eliza, Schoolcraft, 49087, 269 679-4304 The Gourdneck Prairie Cemetery is located at: Portage Road, south of V Avenue, east side of the road
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Cemetery View
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Asa Briggs, Revolutionary War Veteran
The Gourdneck Prairie Cemetery Database
was created by Barb Lee of Vicksburg, Michigan from Vicksburg Historical
Society Collections of cemetery created by local volunteers in 1976.
Surname Given_Name Born Died Inscription_and/or_notation
Adams Grace A. 0 0 "Child of M. & J. Adams, no dates"
Allen Henriettie 0 4 Apr 1869 Wife of Josiah
Allen Willie 0 0 no marker
Allen James Franklin 0 16-Apr-09 "Cpl. James Franklin Allen, Union Soldier Co C
6 Mich H.A"
Allen Estella J. 1867 1894 Wife of C. Huffman
Allen James F. 1840 1909 Father
Allen Almiron 0 1853
Allen Arther H. 0 1866
Allen Hiram 1815 5 Jan 1892 Father
Allen Roxanna 1820 1907
Allen 0 0 "A child of R. & H. Allen, no marker"
Allen (?) 0 1866 Allen(?) Infant daughter
Ashley Eunice V. 1910 0 Grave 5
Ashley Albert P. 1897 1970 Grave 6
Austin Lamelin 0 0 no marker
Barker Eliasaph 0 1811 Father
Barker Adelia M. 0 1811 Child named Barker
Barker Adalaida 0 1811 Child named Barker
Barton Lucy 0 1873
Barton Elijah 0 Jul 1880 no marker
Barton 0 Jul 1881 "Mrs. Barton, no marker"
Barton Lucy S. 0 1871
Barton 0 0 "A child of _ _ _ & A. Barton, no marker"
Barton Lizzie 0 Jul 1884 Wife of Charlton Barton
Beadle Marshal 1881 21-Dec-51
Best 0 0 Best from Brady Twp; no marker
Best 0 0 Best from Brady Twp; no marker
Best 0 0 Best from Brady Twp; no marker
Bingham Caroline G. 0 1903 Mother of Laura C. Webber [moved to Vicksburg
Body 0 0 "A child of Body""[or body of unknown child?]; no marker"
Bothwell Frank 0 0
Bothwell Gertrude 0 0
Boughton Nancy B. 0 May 1855 Wife of John Boughton
Boughton Chas. H. 0 ooo Jul 1853
Boughton 0 0 Mother of J. Boughton
Bowley Henry 0 1846
Brainard Alma 1847 1894 Alma Eldred Brainard
Bridges Martha E. 0 1860 Child named Bridges
Bridges Leonora 0 1860 Child named Bridges
Briggs 0 0 Rev War Carpenters Mate US Navy; no date
Briggs Lora 0 1 Nov 1861 Child of S.C. & A. Briggs
Briggs Ann 0 16 Jan 1892
Briggs Asa S. 1806 1869
Briggs Esther L. 0 Mar 1852 Daughter of Asa S. and Betsy Briggs
Briggs Betsy 1822 1899
Briggs Dasie 0 0 Child of Ed. Briggs; no marker
Briggs Asa 0 0 Asa Briggs Jr.; Child of Ed Briggs; no marker
Briggs Estem 0 0 Child of Ed. Briggs; no marker
Briggs Edmund S. 1845 1919
Briggs Arthur 1852 9-Oct-26
Briggs Esther V. 1852 1922
Briggs Jessie 1808 1926
Briggs Chas. 1808 0
Briggs Ed. 0 1929
Briggs C. 0 1935
Briggs Elizabeth 0 0 "no date, no marker"
Briggs "Asa , Jr." 0 1810
Briggs Sarah 0 0
Briggs Eunice Caroline 0 1850 Wife of Issac Briggs
Briggs Sanford C. 0 1841 "Son of I. A. & E. C. Briggs, no marker"
Briggs 0 0 "3 children of Isaac & Saloma Briggs, no date, no marker"
Briggs Margaret 1834 1900
Briggs Janette 1869 4-Mar-58
Briggs Asa S. 1835 1918
Briggs Arther A. 0 1850 Son of D.C. and C.B. Briggs
Briggs Silas C. 0 1869
Briggs Laura C. 0 23 Jan 1894 Wife of Silas Briggs
Briggs Edmund L. 0 1863
Brigs Lucy M. 0 Dec 1875
Brockway Julia
Brockway Samuel
Brown Jane 0 4 Feb 1840
Brown Theodore 1856 1921
Buck 0 0 "Grave 10, Richard R. & Janet K. Buck, 1 casket, 1 urn"
Burns F. 0 0
Butcher Sam 0 0 buried elsewhere
Butcher Bertha 0 12-Mar-39 "Mrs. Sam (Bertha) Butcher, no marker"
Calwell Susan 1815 1899
Campell Fidelia E. 0 4 Mar 1867
Chapman Stella H. 0 29 Jan 1867 Daughter of O.H. and Ella Chapmap
Chyler Don 0 0 no marker
Cole Sally 0 0 no marker
Colored Children Colored Children; no marker
Corser Lydia 1820 1873 no marker
Corser A. G. 1819 0 no marker
Counghlin Geo. R. 1870 15-Sep-48 north end grave
Davis 0 0 Mrs. Davis; no marker
Davis 0 0 Mrs. Davis' daughter; no marker
Davis John 0 20 May 1890 no marker
Day Abigail M. 0 1851 Daughter of Elijah and Lucy L. Barton
Dean Earl 0 29-Sep-15 no marker
Deniston 0 0 An infant of E. & M. Deniston; no marker
Downs Sarah 1778 1848
Downs John 0 Sep 1881
Downs Caroline 0 Feb-08 no marker
Eldred Andrew 1815 1850
Eldred Wilber 1845 1848 Son of A. and L. Eldred
Eldred Lydia 1820 28 Nov 1894
Elliot 0 0 Woman named Elliot; no marker
Erwine 0 0 Children of E. & C. Erwine; no markers
Everett Elmer E. 1871 31-Dec-55 Grave 1
Everett Nellie 1879 14-Feb-68 Grave 2
Everett Fred 1879 16-Mar-66 Grave 1/2
Everett Chloie E. 1881 0
Ferrold 0 0 no marker
Foslyn L. 0 0 L. Foslyn child in Alley 5-6; no marker
Fowler Rufus 0 11 Apr 1863 Colored
Frakes Robert 0 27 Mar 1879
Frakes Maggie 0 3 Jan 1868
Frakes Charlotte 0 30-Jan-01
Frakes Isaiah 1861 27-Apr-34
Frakes Randell R. 1900 11-Aug-25 Grave 1
Frakes Edna 1880 24-Feb-51 Grave 2
Frakes Ellsworth 1865 31-Oct-36 "Grave 3, Colonel Ellsworth Frakes"
Frakes Vaughn E. 0 0 Grave 4
Frakes Beulah L. 0 0 Grave 5
Frakes John C. 0 0 Grave 8
Frakes Marge A. 0 0 Grave 9
Frakes Joseph M. 1875 19-Jan-10
Frakes Walter J. 1874 1920
Frakes Edna O. 0 1872 Child of W and E Frakes
Frakes Pauline L. 0 1868 Child of W and E Frakes
Frakes Hannah L. 0 187 Child of W and E Frakes
Frakes Richard 0 1866 Child of W and E Frakes
Frakes Mary Ellen 1839 20 Apr 1890
Frakes Wallace F. 1835 19-Apr-22
Frakes Danny Joe 0 21-Jan-47 Infant
Frakes Joseph O. 1834 27 May 1895
Frakes Lizzie 1895 15 Jan 1896 Daughter of G and C. Frakes
Frakes Carrie 1872 1910 Mother
Frakes James G. 1870 27-Apr-46 Father
Frakes Margaret 1829 0 Wife of J.D. Frakes
Frakes Leonard 0 0 no marker
Frakes Nathan 0 0 no marker
Frakes Joseph 0 Oct 1880
Frakes Osillar 0 Mar-07
Frakes J. W. 0 0 no date
Frakes Liza 0 0 no date
Frakes Smith Minnie B.
Francis 0 0 Mrs. Francis
Francis Sarah 0 1841 Three children named Francis
Francis Henry 1844 1849 Three children named Francis
Francis 0 0 "Three children named Francis, one child no marker"
Freeman Amos 0 1862
Freeman Dorcas 0 1873
Gillihan Grace 0 Apr-26 "Grace Butcher Gillihan, no marker"
Groner Ellen 1830 1924
Gross Hazel L. 1912 0 Grave 3
Gross Clifford C. 1907 2-Aug-69 Grave 4
Hanes 0 0 Union Soldier Co M Mich Cav; no dates
Hanes Artemen T. 0 14 Oct 1870
Hanes 0 0 Child of J. Hanes
Hanes Della 0 13 Nov 1891
Hanes Mary 0 21-Apr-12 Wife of J. Hanes
Hannah Chas. N. 0 1852 Child of R. and L. Hannah
Hannah Janes J. 0 1852 Child of R. and L. Hannah
Hanson Oscar 0 1884 Child of E. S. Briggs
Happel Clyde S. 1894 0
Happel Blanche L. 1902 0
Harkness 0 0 "Mrs. Harness, no marker"
Hartman Preston 7 Sep 1897
Hendershott Perry Grave # 10
Hendershott Esther Grave # 9
Herman 0 0 South 1/2 Graves 1-2-3-4
Holmes John R. 0 1817 Child of T. and F. Holmes
Holmes Daniel A. 0 1852 Child of T. and F. Holmes
Holmes 0 0 "Child of T. and F. Holmes, no marker"
Howard 0 0 "Dr. Howard, no marker"
Howard 0 0 "Mrs. Howard, no marker"
Johnson Henry 0 0 no marker
Kempfield 0 0 A child of Kempfield; no marker
Kendall 0 0 Two children of Wm & B. Kendall; no marker
Knowlton John H. 0 15 Apr 1855
Knowlton Chas. J. 0 Aug 1853 Son of John H. Knowlton
Knowlton Lewis W. 0 Aug 1853 Son of John H. Knowlton
Knowlton Thomas A. 0 Aug 1853 Son of John H. Knowlton
Lee John 0 0 North 1/2
Lewis Richard 5 Mar 1807 22 Jul 1883
Lewis Mary 0 24 May 1890
Lewis Rich L. 0 1870
Lloyd 0 0 "3 Children of W. & J. Lloyd, no marker"
Lovett 0 0 "Mrs. Lovett, no marker"
Lovette Daniel 1815 0
Lovetts Lyna A. 0 0 "S.& A. Lovetts three children, no date"
Lovetts Elizabeth 0 0 "S.& A. Lovetts three children, no date"
Lovetts Charles 0 0 "S.& A. Lovetts three children, no date"
Mandigo George H. 0 0 Child of G and T.J Mandigo
Mandigo Dora 0 0 Child of G and T.J Mandigo
Mandigo 0 0 Two children of J. & M. Mandigo; no marker
Mandigo Jerry 1840 May 1883
Mandigo Jerry 0 Aug-40 Grave 6
Mandigo Daisy 0 6-Apr-44 Grave 7
Mandigo Willie 0 1871
Mandigo Lulu M. 0 1873
Mandigo Jack 1834 Jun 1894
Mandigo Jerry M. 1792 1859
Mandigo Hannah 1800 Jan 1883
Martin Idah 0 1852 Child of W. & L. K. Martin
Martin Theron 0 1864 Child of W. & L. K. Martin
Martin 0 0 Child of W. & L.K. Martin; 1 child; no marker
Martin 0 13 Mar 1885 Child of Geo. & Isabel Martin; no marker
Martin Wesley 11 Oct 1808
Martin Lyda K. 0 17-Jun-08
Martin Isabel 1860 9-Jan-41
Martin George 1856 7-May-52
Martin Lester W. 1890 1962
McComsey Wm. Aug 1881Union Soldier
McComsey Mrs. Wm. McComsey
McComsey Leon Son of A. and L. McComsey
McComsey Lorinda Wife of A. McComsey
McComsey Andrew no marker
McComsey John Father
McComsey Hannah Mother
McComsey Margaret Daughter
McComsey Nancy
McComsey Lucy A.
McComsey Child of J. and L. McComsey
McComsy Jane 0 1846 Daughter
McElvain Wm. 1811 1865 Father
McElvain Mary 1808 1842 Mother
McElvain Esiah 1842 0 Child of Wm. and M.
McElvain Dercy 1818 1847
Moffot 0 0 A Moffot's child; no marker
Mottram 0 0 "Son of Dr. Mottram, no marker"
Munns 0 1878 Munns infant child; no marker
Newton Minerva 1837 1903 Minerva Frakes Brown Newton
Noyes David 0 0 "Child, no marker"
Noyes James 0 1835 Rev. James Noyes [as recorded]
Noyes James 0 1835 Rev. James Noyes [as recorded]
Noyes 0 0 "Mrs. James Noyes, no marker"
Noyes 0 0 "A child of J. & D. Noyes, no marker"
Null 0 0 Mrs. Null; no marker
Nutting Asa 1785 1849
Nutting Randolph 0 4 Oct 1879
Oman 0 0 L. Oman Children; no maker
Oman 0 1883 Mrs. Oman Wife of L. Oman; no marker
Osterhout Katie A. 1840 1904 "Mother, Wife of J.F. Allen"
Parker Emily 1837 1900
Passenger 23 Dec 1807 Union Soldier
Passenger Sarah 21 Jun 1810 Wife of Peter
Patterson Elvira 0 1861
Patterson Wm. 0 Nov
Patterson Arther 1871 4 Oct 1891
Patterson Lovesa 1846 Feb-23
Patterson John 1840 25-Sep-40
Patterson Andrew 0 1869
Perry "Nathaniel, Jr."
Perry Sarah J. 0 31 Dec 1891
Perry Ida M. 1854 1917
Ramson 0 0 no marker
Rood Lottie 0 1871 Wife of C. L. Rood
Roys Rufus A. 0 1877
Roys Mary Salome 0 1860
Roys Laura 0 1854
Roys Louisa Augusta 0 1837
Scott L. 0 0
Selbee Dorr W. 1884 30-Jan-46 Own lot
Selbee (?) 0 0 Children of _ _ _ _ _
Sheperd Charles M. 0 0 no marker
Sheperd Pearlie 0 14 Sep 1887
Sheperd Perry 0 20 Nov 1890 Child of Chas. Sheperd
Shriver J. 0 0 buried elsewhere
Shriver Ida May 1859 8-May-23
Simmons Sarah 1836 1922 Mrs. Sarah Simmons
Smith 0 25 Feb 1870 Mrs. Betsy Smith
Sorenson 7-Mar-18 13-Nov-42 "World War II, died at Sea"
Spaulding 0 0 Mrs. Spaulding; no marker
Spicer 0 0 no marker
Spicer 0 0 "Mrs. Spicer, no marker"
Steele Mary Ann 1815 1853
Stevens Levi 0 1818
Stome 0 1846
Stuart Wm. 0 11 Dec 1850
Stuart Jane L. 0 1868
Stuart Geo. 1805 1851 Father
Stuart John Henry 1843 1846 Son of G. and E. Stuart
Stuart Elizabeth 1848 1850 Daughter of G. and E. Stuart
Stuart Elizabeth 1808 1890 Mother
Stuck George 0 1872 Child of L. & T.J. Stuck
Tackaberry Paul L. Grave 6
Tackaberry June B. Grave 7
Thompson Harlow P. 26 Oct 1853
Thompson Clarinda Wife of Harlow P. Thompson
Thompson Seth D. 12 Nov 1893 12 Nov 1893
Tidler Millie 0 Sep 1881 Daughter of Wm. and M.F. Tidler
Tidler 0 0 2 children of Wm. and M.F. Tidler
Tilotson 0 0 "An infant son of Geo. & T. Tilotson, no marker"
Transient 0 0 transient
Transient 0 0 transient
Transient 0 0 Transient; no marker
Tutle 0 0 "Tutle-whose grave was removed from what now is highway"""
Unknown 0 0 White child Unknown; no marker
Unknown 0 0 "Two graves unknown to the South end of Lot, no markers"
Unknown 0 0 "A child unknown at South end of Lot, no marker"
Unknown Children Children Unknown; no marker
Vacant 0 0 vacant
Vacant 0 0 vacant
Vacant 0 0 vacant
Vacant 0 0 vacant
Vacant 0 0 vacant
Vacant 0 0 vacant
Vacant 0 0 vacant
Vacant 0 0 vacant
Vacant 0 0 vacant
Vicker 0 0 "The Mother of J. Vickery, no marker"
Vickery Joseph 0 1939
Wallace Robert W. 0 0 no marker
Wallace Rebeca 0 1857 no marker
Ward 0 0 "Mrs. Ward & three of her children, no marker"
Weaver 0 0 White Man's child named Weaver; no marker
Weaver Virginia 0 0 Colored; no marker
Webber Fred 0 0 "this lot assigned to Fred Webberfor future use $8 paid"""
Webber Laura C. 0 19-Nov-10 "lot 11 ""all have been moved to the Vicksburg
Webber Henry 0 21-Feb-15 "lot 11 ""all have been moved to the Vicksburg
Willcox Annis 0 0 no marker
Willcox Wm. 0 0 no marker
Willcox Hosea 0 Jan 1880 no marker
Williams Lydia 1816 1857 Wife of B.G. Williams
Williams Owen 0 1845 Two children named Williams
Williams Melona 0 1856 Two children named Williams
Williams Sanford 0 0 "Son of Rev. S. S. & L. Amelia Williams, no date"
Wilson 0 1883 "Mrs. Wilson, wife of James Wilson"
Woodward Frank
Woodward Grace no marker
Woodward Chauncey
Woodward Irene Wife of Chauncey Woodward
Woodward George
Woodward Mellie M.
Woodward (?) Gronum "Wife of F. Woodward, no marker"
Worthington Mrs. Worthington
Worthington "Four children named Worthington, no marker"
Wright Anna M. 0 0
Yorks Mary Alice 1853 1855 Child of Perry Yorks
Yorks Perry 1819 1881
Yorks Harriet 1848 20 Feb 1893