The Centreville Observer


The Centreville Observer

Abstracts from issue:

Saturday, October 11, 1890 (first issue)

W.I. Ashley, Editor and Publisher


Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, Wednesday evening, Oct. 8 th , Miss Kate Wetkavska and Mr. Herman Cruze.

Arthur Chaplin, of Mendon, has secured one of the Detroit Journal Prize watches.

On Tuesday of this week, Sheriff Beard took Henry G. Beryinckeluck to the Ionia prison.

For repairing all kinds call on John Salmon, the popular shoemaker.   He will use you right.

G. E. Damon has opened a bakery in Mrs. Welch's building, on Main street, and will hereafter furnish the hungry with all the good things to eat.

Dic Trowbridge of this place, takes the cake as a sparrow shooter.   He has relieved the county of over $400 since the sparrow bounty has been in effect.

On Saturday last, Sheriff Beard took three prisoners to the Jackson State prison:   Geo. Thirll for 6 years, J. T. Reed for 5 years, and Elmer Gates for 10 years.

Chas. Erbsmehl's past record as a county clerk is a fitting recommendation.   He is an honest, faithful incumbent, always courteous and accommodating, and will be re-elected by a handsome majority.

Geo. Brush is home to spend the winter.

Mrs. David M. Bateman is visiting in Detroit

John Leidy, of Colon, was in town Wednesday

Mrs. J.P. Taylor was in Colon visiting last week.

Chas. Sturges, of Sturgis, was in town on Thursday.

Miss Lena Buell was in Mendon on Saturday last.

John McKinley went to Homer on Business, Monday.

Sheriff Beard went to Lansing, Monday, with a prisoner.

Willard Hill, of Constantine, was in the city on Tuesday.

Miss Mildred Shafler visited Three Rivers, on Friday last.

Mrs. Putney spent Sunday in Three Rivers with her brother.

Mrs. D.H. Thoms has been on the sick list for the past week.

Paul Eaton was in Colon on legal business, on Monday last.

Charlie and Ray Orwick, of Sturgis, were in town over Sunday

Geo. Wolf, of Three Rivers, was in town on business Tuesday.

Mrs. Higgins, of Morley, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. A. Grabber.

Almon Freed, of Marshall, is the guest of his brother, J.B. Freed.

Geo. Duell, of Otsego, was in town a portion of this week on business.

T.G. Green was at Union "City on business the fore part of the week.

Mr. Mattice, a blacksmith of Port Huron, is working for S. R. Butler.

John Morrison, of Constantine, was a Centreville visitor on Sunday last.

Mrs. T. C. Anderson, of Union City is the guest of R. S. Butler and wife.

Editor Mattice, of the St. Joe. County News-Republican, was in town Monday

William Sadler is discussing the prohibition question in Kalamazoo county.

Mrs. S. R. Butler's mother and sister, of Grand Rapids, are making her a visit.

Chas. Lover, with his wife, were calling on Centreville friends last Tuesday.

Harry Dockstader and Bud Mooney, of Three Rivers, Spent Sunday in Centreville.

B. C. Brown, from Stephen county, New York, is visiting his uncle, Orlo J. Childs.

Miss Mattie Leiser spent a portion of the week in Centreville, the guest of Miss Lena Buell

Mark Brown, with his wife, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Frank Gooden, of this place.

Harry and Dan Hasbrouck, of Lansing, are visiting friends in and around Centreville.

E. D. Thomas and wife have been spending several days with friends at Battle Creek.

Rev. J. F. Orwick was on hand at the fair to see that the poultry was properly arranged.

Rev. Mr. Stark, the newly appointed Methodist preacher, is now snugly settled in the parsonage.

Edward Talbot, of Lansing, spent Sunday with his old friend, Geo. Frankish of the place.

Miss Mattie Leiser was visited by a few of her schoolmates from Centreville on Saturday last.

Rev. G. M. Adams spent the fore part of the week seeing the sights of the Worlds Fair City.

T. W. Leinbach is back again from Mew Buffalo, and is filling his old position at the depot.

Melville Clark, wife, and family, of Coldwater, have been visiting relatives and friends in this place.

Geo. Grabber returned from Hillsdale on Saturday, where he has been in attendance at the fair.

Everett Fletcher, of Mendon, started Wednesday, for Ashland, North Carolina, for the benefit of his health.

Mrs. C. C. Church and family are now pleasantly located in Miss Belle Stewart's house, lately vacated by Dr. Pierce.

Mrs. J. W. Spitzer Sr. returned from Constantine on Sunday, after a pleasant visit with the family of A. W. Morrison.

Miss Maty Woodworth, of Battle Creek, is visiting her uncle, Charles Woodworth, and other friends, for a few days.

Lott Woodworth visited Samuel Thoms at "Prospect Hill" Branch county, last week.   Master Howard Thoms accompanied him.

Willis Fisher and Fred Frey returned from Wilkensburg, Alleghany county, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday night, where they have been the past summer.

James Noble cut his face quite severely while trying to jump over a barbed wire fence.   As a consequence he has had his face in bandages for several days.

Mrs. A. M. Todd, of Nottawa, is home from Battle Creek, where she ahs been for several months under medical treatment.   We are glad to learn she is much improved in health.

Clark Ingham was absent a few days last week.   Whenever he happened to be passing where a horse race was going on, he just stopped a moment to see which horse came out ahead.

After taking in the sights to be seen in England, France, Italy, and Germany, Charles Hallack with his wife, son and brother-in-law, Simpson Fletcher, were to leave Berlin on the 7 th or 8 th of Oct., for home.

Byron Long was in town a few days ago.   He now lives in Lansing.   He lived here with his father, Benjamin Long, when a small boy.   He says our sidewalks are much better than when he left here, over 40 years ago.

We received a letter from W. H. Fort, who is principal of the Allen public schools.   He says that the school is booming, and he enjoys his work very much.   The Observer will visit him weekly for the next year.

Last Friday night seventeen wild quail flew down in the yard of Miss Alexander, and from there into the yard of Eugene Beerstecher.   Since the game law put a restriction on shooting quail, they have become more plentiful and tame.   The law runs out in 1894.

Suite of rooms to rent and an almost new gasoline stove to sell, at Mrs. L. E. Trowbridge's.

S. R. Butler has one top buggy on hand that he will sell below cost, as he wants to make room for his road carts.

There is an extra police force this eek, as follows:   J. J. Hasbrouck and Geo. Brokaw, night force; Wm. Myers, day force.

"Axeman, spare that Oak."   On Tuesday last that grand ol oak on the south side of C. O. Gregory's premises, was felled to the ground.

E. D. Thomas has just caused to be removed from his premises on the west side of the public square, one of the old land marks, a honey locust, planted by Columbia Lancaster, over 50 years ago.

At the instigation of his educational friends, Prof. W. C. Hewitt, late principal of the Union City high school and the present superintendent of the Three Rivers schools, will publish a text book on civil government, the first installment of which is now nearly ready for the printers.

Dr. Russell is prepared to five painting lessons, to those who wish to learn, this fall and winter.   He will give lessons in Centreville on Monday and Tuesday of each week, and in Three Rivers, on Friday and Saturday of each week.   The Dr. has recently returned from a tour in the old country with the old painters, and will give the best of satisfaction.

The Centreville Observer

Saturday, October 18, 1890 Volume I. Number 2

W.I. Ashley, Editor and Publisher

Marriage Bells

The marriage of Frank S. Cummings to Eloise S. Peeke, was solemnized in the Reformed church of Centreville, on Thursday, Oct. 18 th , at 8pm.   About the altar was suspended a bell with festoons, leading to columns on the right and left.   At one side of the large platform was placed the pulpit, and the organ on the other.   Two columns of evergreen spanned by an arch with floral key stone was back in center of the niche, and on either side of the large flower stand, and to the extremes of the platform, choice and beautiful plants and boquets were arranged with rare skill and exquisite taste.   The beauty of the decorations, exceeded anything ever before accomplished by the ladies of the church.   At the appointed hour, every pew was filled.   The doors being opened, to the strain of the bridal chorus from Lohengrin, rendered by Miss Jennie Greene, the bride on the arm of Rev. Dr. Scott, President of Hope College, passed up the north aisle, preceded by the ushers, Clark L. Ingham, Morris E. Wolf, Arthur W. Gardner and Frank Wolf, and was met at the altar by the groom, and the bride's father, Rev. A. P. Peeke, dressed in gown and cassock, who performed the ceremony, using the service of the Church of England.   Rev. Dr. Scott gave her in marriage with his blessing.   The audience, no less than the bridal party, were impressively attentive toevery portion of the venerable and appropriate service.

The wedded couple having received the blessing, arose, and to the joyous notes of Mendelsohn's wedding march, passed down the south aisle, followed by the ushers and relatives, the audience remaining seated until the bridal party had entered the church parlors, whither they followed.

Here Mr. and Mrs. Cummings, assisted by the parents and Rev. Dr. Scott, received the congratulations and good wishes of their many friends.

The bride was attired in white silk crepe, sent by her brother from Japan.   With the groom before the altar, they appeared in the eyes of their many friends beautifully worthy one of the other.

The church parlors were tastefully and elaborately trimmed.   A Bank of green formed a background for the bridal party, and on either side were the pictures of absent loved ones of both families.

The guests were from all the churches of the village, and many adjoining villages.

The presents were rich, numerous, and in great variety; many being tokens from distant and absent friends.   A larger silver ice pitcher and goblets were the gift of the M. E. church.   A fine clock was fromt eh Common Council of the village.   A Silver tea set was from the Reformed church.   We cannot further particularize.

The guests were very social; the refreshments abundant; the ushers capable and attentive; the ladies unwearied in their endeavors to make all happy in dining room and parlor; the janitors faithful in their stations; in a word, everybody and everything conspired to make this wedding one that will live delightfully in memory.

If the newly married pair enjoy but a portion of the happiness their friends wish them, their wedded joy will never know change nor decay.