Minnkota Genealogical Society
2018 Officers


Vice President




Barb Knipe

Lenore Anderson

Ron Baker

Brenda Johnson


The Minnkota Genealogical Society was formed in 1994. We are a group of people,of all ages, interested in genealogy and the pursuit of tracing our family history. The purpose of this organization is to:

Regular monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Campbell Library, 422 4th St NW, East Grand Forks, MN. We have a variety of monthly presentations. Some months we will have a speaker from outside our group; other times a member will do a presentation on genealogy or on their own family tree. If a member has been to Europe, a presentation may be given on that trip. There is an Annual Business Meeting held in June.

Membership in the Minnkota Genealogical Society is $10.00 per year per person. If interested in becoming a member, please send your name, address, city, state, zip and phone number as well as your email address (if applicable) with your check or money order to: Minnkota Genealogical Society, PO Box 12744, Grand Forks, ND 58208-2744. Or, feel free to attend our meeting and enjoy some time with fellow genealogists/family historians. Perhaps even share your expertise with others.