Dearborn Genealogical Society Home Page
Society Research Data
Index of Society Ancestor Charts
Historic Northview Cemetery Index
Historic St. Alphonsus Cemetery Index Index of Dearborn Death
Certificates at the
Burton Historical Collection
Deaths in the Dearborn Press 1918 - 1928
Marriages in the Dearborn Press 1918 - 1928
Information About the Society
Executive Board
Membership Benefits
Research Resources
Research Requests
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The Society shall promote and encourage an interest in genealogy,
history, and biography among its members and the general public.
Objectives of the Society shall be to:
- Locate, publish, and safeguard public and private genealogical records.
- Encourage and instruct others in genealogical research through individual
mentoring, the sharing of information, workshops, and other educational
- Procure and/or distribute genealogical or historical material for
educational purposes, the proceeds of which, if any, are to be used
exclusively for the expressed purpose of this organization.
The Society shall be organized and operated as a non-profit organization, according to Section 501 (c) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. (4) | |