Abstracted from Johnson's 1857-8 Detroit Directory
African American Churches:
Protestant Episcopal: St. Matthew's, corner of Congress and St. Antoine
Reverend Wm. Monro, Pastor
Baptist: Zion, meets in Waterman Block, Elder Lett, Pastor
African Church-Lafayette St. near Beaubien, Rev. Nelson H. Turpen
Abstracted Persons designated as colored in Johnston's 1857-8 City
of Detroit
Abbreviations: b. boards, r. residence, lab. laborer, h. house
A General List of Names Part II Johnston's 1857-8 Detroit
City Directory
Augustus, Chas, lab. Lafayette E.
Beard, Wilson, 36 Croghan
Bells, J., cook, over 46 Lafayette E
Biddle, Susan, 61 Lafayette
Billings, Ann 198 Congress E.
Binger, Wm., barber, SE Corner Woodward & Congress, r. 60 Farrar
Binger, John, h.22 Clinton
Binger, Adam, rear 22 Clinton
Bole -----, head of Hastings
Braxell, Israel, 325 Congress E.
Brady, Henry, sailor, 284 Lafayette E.
Brodie, E., drayman, 47 Eighth
Brooks, John, with Judge Farnsworth
Brooks, Nelson, Strangers Eating House, Woodbridge W.
Bruin, Cyrus, h. rear 36 Clinton
Buck, Miles, barber, 123 Larned W.
Butler, Alex, cook, 50 Harriet
Carter, Mrs., 120 Lafayette
Carter, James D., carpenter, 293 Macomb
Cassel, Wm., ----Orleans
Champ, John, 109 Clinton
Charlton, Mr., 155 Lafayette
Clark, Michael, lab. ----Clinton
Clark, R.M., cook, 52 Clinton
Claton, Wm., cooper, ---Mullett
Coleman, Richard, ---Mullett
Cook, Wilson, lab., --Fort E.
Cook, Major, 108 Russell
Dales, Marcus, lab., 252 Orleans
Dangerfield, A., lab., 138 Lafayette E.
Day, Lewis, lab. --Hastings
DeBaptist, B., r. 124 Larned E.
Delaney F., 152 Gratiot
Dolarson, Wm. b. 165 Russell
Dover, James, porter 82 Miami Ave
Dunlop, Mrs., 135 Fort E.
Edmonds, N. ---Macomb
Edmunds, Isaac, drayman, 204 Adams
Ellis J., shoemaker, 214 Macomb
Evans, Richard, 55 Fort E.
Felix, James, cook, 170 Croghan
French, George, lab. 303 Macomb
French, Henry, carpenter, 303 Macomb
Glaze, Wm., whitewasher, 185 Mullett
Goins, Thos, whitewasher, 178 Adams Ave. E.
Gordon, Richard, barber, 136 Foote
Gray,--- barber, 45 Griswold
Gray, H. barber, rear 229 Jefferson Ave. h. ---Orleans
Greenhow, James, 291 Macomb
Hales, Nathan, rear 135 Forte
Hall, V., 32 Forte E.
Hall, Louisa, 296 Macomb
Haly, James, barber, --Atwater, h. Canada W.
Hanks, Saml, cooker, over 119 Beaubien
Harris, Ben, waiter, ---Congress E.
Harris, Ben, ---Orleans
Harris, Wm. lab., 181 Macomb
Henry, John, barber, ---Orleans
Henry, Thos, barber, 145 Woodbridge W.
Herbert, E., lab. --- Mullett
Herbert, Wesley, ---Mullett
Hodge, G., ---Croghan
Hoover, Dennis, barber, 107 Lafayette E.
Jackson, Geo., lab., 70 Lafayette
Jackson, Robt, lab. r. 92 Congress Ave
Jackson, Mrs., 116 Croghan
James, Mary, 32 Fort E.
Jeffry, Calvin, barber, 203 Congress E.
Johnson, Stephen, cook, 103 Lafayette E.
Johnson, Robert D., physician, 152 Beaubien
Johnson, W. lab. 188 Congress E.
Johnson, Jas., farmer, Paton Alley
Johnson, John, cook ---Fort E.
Johnson, Susan, 255 S. Croghan
Johnson, Wesley, whitewasher & barber, 46 Bates
Jones, Mrs., whitewasher, --State
Jones, Robt., ---Hastings
Jones, Wm., 292 Lafayette E.
Kennedy, G.W., carpenter, rear 281 Fort E.
Lee, Wm., carpenter, 48 Harriet
Lingston, Wm., saloon, 423 Jeff Ave
Livany, Peter, cook, Western Hotel
Lightfoor, Jas., carpenter, 139 Riopelle
Lightfoot, M.J., hackman, 257 Catherine
Locke, Peter, 122 Lafayette E.
Lowe, David, barber, ---Beaubien
McGinnis, Sara, 37 Lafayette W.
Madden, Walter, 284 Macomb
Martin, Ann, 315 Croghan
Martin, John L., lab., 254 Macomb
Miligan, Nancy, 265 Macomb
Miller, John, sailor, 62 Macomb
Monroe, Wm. teacher, 185 Lafayette E.
Moore, Henry, barber, 60 1/2 Griswold
Morris, Wm., sailor, ---Beaubien
Mueller, Reverend H., 84 Lafayette W.
Myers, Rachel 120 Michigan Ave. W.
(No Surnames starting with N or with O)
Page. N.R., 230 Macomb
Park, John, mason, 215 Macomb
Parker, Henry, waiter, 153 Lafayette E.
Patterson, Chas., barber, 14 Macomb
Pease, Edw., lab. 150 Beaubien
Peterson, Chas., b.h. 38 Jeff Ave
Rason, Martha, 61 Clinton
Rice, Isaac, lab., 192 Clinton Ave
Richards, Jas., ---Mullett
Richard, Henry, lab. 118 Lafayette E.
Roberts, Chas. H., groggery, 66 Lafayette E.
Robertson, Wm., engineer, ---River
Robertson, Wm. T., ---Mullett
Russell, Isaac, lab., 138 Lafayette E.
Slaughter, Ed, cook, over 172 Hastings
Slaughter, Mrs., widow, head Rusell
Sleet, Mrs., widow, Lafayette E.
Smith, Phoebe, widow, 311 Lafayette
Smith, W., lab. 123 Crogahn
Soil, George, paperhanger, 123 Beaubien
Spencer, Isaac, waiter, 68 Croghan
Straw, M., widow, 210 Antoine
Stuart, Dr. Alexander, 169 Lafayette E.
Thompson, C.W., 213 Macomb
Thompson, John, b.h. 38 Jeff Ave
Tolbert, B. blacksmith, ---Macomb
Turpin, Rev. N.H., 329 Congress E.
No surnames beginning with U, or V
Wallace, Jas., barber, 277 Congress E.
Walter, Robt., blacksmith, 67 Lafayette E.
Warren, Robt., lab., 325 Congress E
Warren, Robt., lab., mason, 185 Macomb
Washington, Geo, ---Catherine
Washington, Jas., barber, ---Orleans
Washington, Nelson, 124 Mullett
Watts, Wm., barber, 179 Michigan Ave W
Wells, Harriet, widow, 195 Congress E.
Wheeler, L., 88 Mullett
White, Mr. --- Hastings
Wight, Washington, sailor, 224 Lafayette E
Williams, Abram, Stranger's Eating House, ---Woodbridge W.
Williams, A., saloon, 264 Macomb
Williams, Debor, ---Larned E.
Williams, F.H., musician, 106 Macomb
Williams, Henry, sailor, ---123 Beaubien
Williams, J.M., clergyman, 256 Orleans
Williams, Richard, mason, 225 Congress E.
Williams, T., whitewasher, b. with Wm Binger
Young, Henry, shoemaker, 186 Lafayette
Young, Mary, 155 Lafayette E.