Computers & Genealogy SIG, NYPC

Metro New York
Genealogy and Computers Group

Affiliated with NYPC, NYMUG, PAF and Legacy Software Users' Groups

Who We Are

Services We Provide

Meeting Location and Time

Join Our Mailing List

Current Meeting Schedule:

  Prior Years' Schedules

  Prior Topics

Contact Us

Some Links of Interest


Several members are involved in maintaining genealogical web sites as well as assisting in data entry projects for societies and groups in the New York area. If you have time and an interest in volunteering, please let us know. We'll try to match you up with a project coordinator.

Some past and ongoing genealogical projects on which members have worked are:

Return to our Metro New York Computers & Genealogy Home Page.

Return to the New York PC Users� Group Home Page:

Go to NYG&B web site.

  © 1998-2013, David Kleiman and Cathy Horn
computer-gen tree