Newspaper Articles
- Wyman
Dam 1928 Public Announcement
The Independent Reporter, July
5, 1928, transcription of article. Includes the text of Walter Wyman's
letter to stockholders announcing the Bingham area project
- Operations
on Central Maine Power Dam at Bingham Well Under Way
The Independent Reporter, November
15, 1928
Railroad, Living Quarters for Employees, And Water System
- County
Would Benefit By Passage of the Export Power Bill Wyman Says August
22, 1929, Independent Reporter
Wyman's rationale for trying to
overturn the Fernald Law, which prohibited the export of electric power
outside Maine, in a special election on September 9, 1929
- Maine
Association of Engineers Visit Site of Wyman Dam
August 29, 1929, Indpenedent
60 members of the MAE enjoyed dinner at the commissary and a tour of
the project as guests of CMP. The tour included an
inspection of the work site and the new living quarters, built as a
community for the workers, known as Daggettville.
- Core
Wall Shapes Up As Final Caisson Is Sealed
Work At Bingham Said To Be One Of Most Extensive Jobs In World—Mild
Weather Aid In Speeding Work Along
Independent Reporter, April 3, 1930
- Wyman
Dam Earth Fill Is Mounting
Dam More Than 50 Percent Completed—First Step In Raising Pond
Will Start Soon
Reporter, June 5, 1930
- Start
Construction of Bingham-Bucksport and Madison-Lewiston Power Lines Covering
120 Miles
Work Started July 1 - To Be Built At Rate Of One Mile A Day - Lines
Will Operate at 110,000 Volts - Power Contracts.
Independent Reporter, 1930
- Kennebec
River Course Diverted at Site of Dam
Feat Necessary to Carry Out Construction Program—Rapid Progress
Made on Hydroelectric Development
Independent Reporter, February 6, 1930.
- Articles
on Road Building During the Construction of the Dam
prepare for the flooding of roads in use before the construction, new
road building activities were undertaken: Pleasant Ridge work; Austin
Stream Bridge; CMP Awarded Contract to Build Highway Above Moscow
Baker Construction Photographs 1928-1930
sampling of the pictorial history of construction — from initial
excavation to the railroad extension, and from caissons to power generation
units—all documented by a talented Moscow native.
Smith Collection
Photographs taken by Earle Smith
who was an electrical engineer during the construction job
Progress Blueprint
depths, dates of completion of caissons and keys. Drawn by New England
Public Service Co. From the personal collection of John Downey, resident
River by
Al Stuart
Memoir by a Moscow native who worked as a river driver before
he was hired as part of the construction crew at the dam
Dam is By-Product of Romance
Portland Sunday Telegram And
Sunday Press Herald - Dec. 14, 1947. How James Kelleher's courtship
of Angie Robinson at Pleasant Ridge sparked Walter Wyman's vision.

of Wyman Dam, 1929
From a photo by Milford Baker