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 Small Genealogy Web Pages


"Faith of our fathers, living still..."

"From foreign lands and all across our great nation, we seem to possess the faith, strength and forbearance of our spite of dungeon, fire and sword... With quiet dignity, our earliest American ancestors assumed various civic roles.They learned to take a stand and to leave their mark in this new world. Married, raise families and instilled in their children a strong sense of patriotism, moral values and a code of ethics that's evident to this day. Our ancestors were honest, god-fearing, hard- working people; part of the backbone of America. Whether we descend from one of the nation's founding fathers,or whether our earliest American ancestors immigrated at a later date, these people rightfully possess the name of Small, or one of it's many variations. Male or female,their memory and history should be preserved. The following web pages are dedicated to all who carry the name of Small; past, present and future."

Dedication by Sandy Gates copyright 1999


[Harpswell] [Cumberland County ] [Maine GenWeb]

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This page last updated Monday, 10-Sep-2018 16:39:38 MDT
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Carol LaRue Copyright © 1999 - 2001

Information on these pages is copy written and has been generously donated to assist your SMALL research. It may not be reproduced in any format for commercial profit. All rights reserved.

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