Ellsworth , Maine Genealogy Project

Welcome to Ellsworth , Maine

Incorporated as a town on February 26, 1800. Incorporated as a city on February 8, 1869.

Up for Adoption!

Honorable Elias Dudley and Some of His Political Correspondence

An Address Delivered by the Honorable Clarence Hale at the Centennial Celebration of the First Congregational Church at Ellsworth, Maine, September 12, 1912.

The Query Manager database allows real-time entry and search of queries. Prior to October 18, 1998, Queries, Surnames and Resource Volunteers were added manually to these pages. The "Query Manager" system, is a centralized, automated database system that allows users to post their own queries. These queries, surnames and resources are then immediately available for anyone else to view. The queries posted prior to October 18, 1998, are available for viewing and response, but all new queries, surnames and resources will be posted to the "Query Manager". Queries received October 18, 1998 - October 31, 1998, have been posted by the host to the "Query Manager"! (-tsv)

HANCOCK County Genealogical Databases

Hancock County 1998 Queries January 1, 1998-July 8, 1998
Hancock County 1998 Queries July 9, 1998-October 18, 1998
Hancock County 1997 Queries
Hancock County General Place Name Queries
Hancock County Surnames
Do you Need a LOOKUP in a published source?

Ellsworth Links

If you know of a Ellsworth link that would be appropriate to add to this page,
please e-mail Tina Vickery

The Ellsworth American

The Ellsworth American News Archive

Ellsworth Public Library

City of Ellsworth

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This page was last updated on -- Friday, 02-Aug-2002 15:30:21 MDT

Thanks to ROOTSWEB Genealogical Data Cooperative for Server Space and a great deal of support! Help support them in their mission to make massive amounts of genealogical data available to us!

created and maintained by: Tina Vickery, with many thanks to David Colby Young
Tina Vickery