A few headstones from the
Brooklin Cemetery

Copied by Xana Arango Hansen

April 1999

The Brooklin Cemetery is located on Route 175, in the center of town. It is the largest cemetery in Brooklin.

Below is information from a few headstones which I photographed in 1999. For a more complete record of persons buried in Brooklin, I suggest that you consult: The Cemeteries of Brooklin, Maine: A Guide to Gravestones, Monuments, Public and Private Burial Grounds, compiled by Roxanne T. Sly and Clare Sullivan. It was produced for the occasion of Brooklin's Sesquicentennial, 1999 and costs about $10. The book only provides year of death (and where given, the year of birth.) It does not contain the full headstone inscription. Possibly the book may still be available from the Sedgwick-Brooklin Historical Society.

Each link below will take you to a photograph of the headstone. If you find photographs of headstones of your ancestors, feel free to save them to your own files, however, they may not be reproduced for commercial purposes. If you have photos of stones which are not included here and would be willing to share them, please send them to Xana Arango Hansenfor inclusion on this website.

ALLEN: Jonathan Allen, Jr.
Died 18__; Age 38.
Husband, Father, Brother

(Note, if this is the husband
of Lois Allen below, he would probably
have been born about 1805 to 1807.
Information given here is copied from Cemeteries of Brooklin, Maine, p. 3.)

Mrs. Lois Allen, wife of Jonathan Allen, Jr.
& daughter of Mr. John and Mrs. Lois Dougherty.
Born Jan 25. 1807 Died Oct, 7, 1828, aged 21 years, 8 mo. & 15 days.

Farewell my friends and Partner dear,
If ought on earth could kept me here;
Twould been my love for you.
But Jesus called my soul away.
Jesus forbid my longer stay -
My dearest friends, adieu.

BABSON: Emma H., wife of John M. Babson
Died Nov. 26, 1889, AE. 71 yrs, 3 m's, 26 ds.

BOWDEN: Andrew S. Bowden
Died Mar. 13, 1882, AE 83 y's, 2 m's & 13 d's.

Mary, wife of Andrew Bowden
Died Feb. 17, 1885, AE 85y's 10 m's & 13 ds.

DORITY: John Dority
Died June 4, 1850, AE 77.

Here calmly rest until the dawn
of an eternal blissful morn;
Shall chase away the clouds of night,
And wake thee with its glorious light.

Lois F. Dority, wife of John Dority
Died Feb 11, 1850, AE 72.

Rest gentle shade until thy maker's will;
And then arise and be an angel still.

FREETHEY: In Memory of
Dea. Samuel B. Freethey
Died Dec. 11, 1863, AE 69 y's, 8 m's.

Blessed is the man that puts his trust in God

In Memory of
Betsey Y., wife of Dea. Sam'l B. Freethey
Died May 8, 1877m AE 89 y's & 6 m's.

Our mother has gone home to rest.

WATSON: Captain Samuel Watson
Died Feb. 14, 1848, AE't. 73.

Mrs. Aphia, wife of Capt. Samuel Watson
Died Dec. 4, 1831 AE 53.

Blessed are the peacemakers for
they shall be called the children of God.

Mrs. Rebbekah, wife of Capt. Samuel Watson
Died Mar. 14, 1862 AE 76.

Blessed are they which die in the Lord.

Jones, son of Capt. Samuel and Aphia Watson
Died Ma_ 27, 1834.

David Watson
Died June 23, 1860, AE. 52.

Them that sleep in Jesus are blest.

Judith, wife of David Watson
Died June 9, 1873, AE 60 y's, 2 m's, 21 d's

Though we here may meet no more.
Yet there is a brighter shore.
There released from toil and pain,
We that loved shall meet again.

Harriet E., wife of Capt. Smith Watson
Died Jan. 8, 1866, AE. 44 ys, 3 ms, 11 ds.

Tis but the casket we've laid in the tomb.
The gem was too pure for earth's shadows and gloom.
Shall we weep that this early its luster is given,
To blend with ___________ of Heaven.

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