Adeline Augusta (1807 - )
Agnes Estelle (1905 - )
Alice P x (1859 - 1873)
Almira (1807 - )
Amos (1798 - )
Amos L (1841 - )
Ann Anna (1718 - 1811)
Anna (1745 - )
Arline Mable Mabel (1913 - 2001)
Arthur Augustus (1877 - )
Bernie F (1880 - )
Bethia (1643 - 1699)
Calvin D (1814 - )
Carol ( - 1972)
Caroline P (1839 - 1863)
Carrie x (1854 - 1855)
Chandler Freeman (1811 - 1862)
Charles F (1841 - 1924)
Chestina M (1870 - )
Cyrus (1823 - 1912)
Daniel F (1834 - )
Daniel Lewis (1809 - 1888)
David Sr. (1724 - 1785)
David Jr. (1745 - )
David H (1831 - 1914)
Dorcas (1720 - )
Dorothy Stevens (1818 - )
Dustin Quimby (1829 - 1920)
E Stella (1863 - )
Edith G (1893 - 1967)
Edward Everett (1872 - )
Edwin Prescott (1827 - 1891)
Eliza (1803 - )
Eliza Maria (1834 - )
Elizabeth Amy (1839 - )
Elizabeth Sophronia (1819 - 1900)
Elizabeth x (1834 - 1835)
Elizabeth x (1840 - 1842)
Ellen (1833 - )
Elmer Overn (1863 - 1941)
Emeline A (1833 - )
Emma F (1882 - )
Emma Francette (1845 - )
Emma L (1856 - )
Eulalia Eula (1893 - )
Eunice (1743 - )
Eunice (~1749 - )
Eunice (1758 - 1838)
Eunice Babson (1817 - 1862)
Eunice x (1739 - )
Frances E x (1867 - 1868)
Frances M ( - 1862)
Francis M (~1877 - )
Frank A (1844 - 1940)
Fred E (1874 - )
George C (1827 - 1854)
George Lee (1897 - 1981)
George Washington (1813 - 1895)
Gertrude A (1879 - )
H Maria (1847 - )
Hannah (1697 - 1729)
Hannah (1797 - 1884)
Hannah L (1825 - )
Harold (1892 - 1943)
Harold Lee (1883 - )
Harriet Augusta (1831 - )
Harriet Harriot Rust (1827 - 1907)
Harriet Willis (1885 - )
Henry Rust (1835 - )
Maj. Henry Woodhouse (1796 - 1869)
Hiram (1805 - )
Hiram A (1855 - )
Isaac Parsons (1834 - )
Isah I (1861 - )
Israel (1762 - )
Joel (1802 - )
Joel Parsons (1834 - )
John (1635 - 1678)
John Sr. (1692 - 1745)
Capt. John Sr. (1730 - 1773)
John (1752 - )
John Jr. (1768 - 1843)
Col. John III (1791 - 1875)
John Frank (1867 - )
John Henry Sr. (1825 - )
John Henry III (1869 - )
John Henry x Jr. (1866 - 1867)
John x (1630 - )
Jonathan (1638 - )
Dr. Jonathan S (1794 - 1866)
Jonathan S (1862 - )
Jonathan Sawyer (1827 - )
Julia E (1841 - )
Laurence N (1912 - )
Lee A x (1896 - 1896)
Levi (1801 - 1883)
Levi (~1821 - )
Lewis Lee (1920 - )
Llewellyn (~1867 - )
Louisa Jane (1822 - )
Louisa Lee Page (1840 - 1876)
Lydia (1818 - 1893)
Maria Louisa (1830 - 1897)
Marjorie E x (1908 - 1910)
Martha Ann (1815 - 1893)
Martha M (1839 - )
Martha Rich (1804 - )
Martha S (1842 - )
Martha Sawyer (1821 - 1852)
Mary (1639 - 1695)
Mary A (1860 - )
Mary Abby (1899 - )
Mary E (~1858 - )
Mary Elizabeth (1840 - 1907)
Mary H (1840 - 1873)
Mary P (1836 - )
Mary S (1816 - )
Mary Woodhouse (1806 - )
Mary Woodhouse Parsons (1829 - ~1859)
Mehitable (1642 - 1699)
Mercy E (1873 - )
Merton Ardell (1887 - )
Mildred (1869 - )
Molly (1734 - )
Myra (~1865 - )
Myron (1909 - )
Nancy Belle (1894 - )
Nathan (1683 - 1724)
Nathan (1800 - 1890)
Nathan Willis (1834 - )
Nathaniel (1647 - 1719)
Nathaniel Sr. (1772 - 1852)
Nathaniel Jr. (1799 - 1877)
Nathaniel x (1694 - 1695)
Olive (1799 - )
Olive x (1797 - )
Oliver Parsons (1836 - 1898)
Orrin Francis (1824 - 1862)
Rachel (~1765 - )
Robert N (1870 - )
Sadie E (1872 - )
Samuel (1801 - )
Samuel Osgood x (1842 - 1858)
Sarah (1747 - )
Sarah (1808 - )
Sarah C (1844 - )
Sarah C x (1835 - 1838)
Sarah Jane (1810 - )
Sarah Jane (1838 - )
Sarah Rust (1829 - 1882)
Solomon (1735 - )
Solomon (~1754 - )
Solomon (1769 - 1857)
Solomon (1793 - )
Solomon Holt (1845 - 1914)
Solomon I (1816 - )
Solomon S x (1812 - )
Solomon Sewell x (1827 - 1829)
Susan L (1875 - )
Susanna Parsons (1805 - )
Susannah (1760 - 1837)
Thomas Sr. (1605 - 1676)
Lieut. Thomas Jr. (1633 - 1707)
Thomas Sr. (1671 - )
Thomas III (1689 - )
Thomas (1737 - )
Thomas (1760 - )
Walter B (1834 - 1907)
Walter Scott (1868 - 1946)
Walter x (1838 - )
Willard Whitlow (1873 - )
William W D S (1812 - 1880)
Winola Mae (1899 - 2000)
Millicam Mullicken
Abigail (1731 - )
Abigail (1748 - 1843)
Abigail (1757 - 1825)
Alexander (1842 - )
Almira (1790 - )
Ann (1771 - )
Arthur John (~1884 - )
Benjamin (1728 - )
Benjamin (1758 - )
Benjamin Jr. (1763 - )
Benjamin x (1727 - )
Carrie Amanda (1911 - 1984)
Clayton R (1906 - 1971)
Daniel (1734 - )
Dominicus (1835 - )
Edson H (~1843 - )
Edward (<1706 - )
Edward (1733 - )
Elbert Albert (1806 - 1860)
Elihu (1844 - )
Eliza (1812 - 1887)
Elizabeth (1837 - )
Eunice (1760 - )
Fannie M (1861 - 1938)
Grace Etta (1872 - 1937)
Harriet (1791 - )
Harry Merrill Jr. (1916 - 1995)
Helen Julia Jennett (1843 - 1912)
Hugh (1632 - 1668)
Isaac (1774 - )
Isabella (1790 - )
Isaiah (1763 - )
James (1772 - )
Jeremiah (1751 - 1830)
Jeremiah (1782 - )
Joel (1788 - )
John (~1664 - 1749)
John (~1782 - 1833)
John Mulbery (1739 - )
Joseph Sr. (<1729 - )
Lemuel (~1745 - )
Luie E x (1868 - 1869)
Mahala (1847 - )
Mary (1796 - )
Mary E (1849 - )
Mary F (~1827 - )
Nancy (~1779 - )
Nathaniel (1709 - 1784)
Phebe ( - 1856)
Philena Murch (1839 - 1915)
Phllip J (1814 - 1894)
Rachel (1744 - )
Rachel (1752 - 1836)
Rebecca (1741 - )
Rebecca (~1768 - )
Rufus (1778 - )
Ruth M (1915 - 2010)
Sally (1785 - )
Samuel (1746 - )
Samuel (1780 - )
Sarah (1725 - )
Shuah (1776 - 1864)
Susanna (1736 - )
Susanna (1756 - )
Vernon Faunce (1912 - 1982)
William (<1734 - )
Alice (1612 - ~1638)
Mary Ellen (1846 - )
Absolom (1827 - )
Adeline Beus (1921 - 2010)
Alexander (~1720 - 1777)
Alice (1750 - )
Amanda (1860 - )
Andrew Jackson (1854 - )
Annie (1889 - )
Annie L (1872 - )
Bathshubah Shorey (1767 - 1829)
Benjamin (1747 - )
Betsey S (1828 - )
Charles (~1847 - )
Charlotte K (1822 - )
Cyrus Sr. (1790 - )
Cyrus Jr. (1825 - )
Daniel B (1818 - )
David Alexander (1775 - 1838)
Deborah (1714 - 1788)
Deborah (1786 - )
Eben Webster (1858 - )
Edward (1736 - )
Eli (1814 - )
Eligood Jr. (1774 - 1824)
Elijah G (1833 - )
Elizabeth (1640 - >1665)
Elizabeth (1745 - )
Ellen (~1844 - )
Elligood Eligood Sr. (1744 - 1832)
Esther (1665 - )
Felix Grundy (1856 - )
Ferdinand L Oakley (1915 - 1945)
Ferdinand Wilson (1891 - 1975)
George (1747 - )
George (~1850 - )
George W (1853 - )
Gertrude E (1877 - )
Gilbert (~1670 - <1757)
Grace (~1849 - )
Hannah (1739 - )
Hannah (1784 - )
Harriet (1840 - )
Helen B (1876 - )
Henry (1720 - 1810)
Henry x (1833 - 1845)
Hur (1714 - 1761)
Ina V (1864 - )
James Sr. (1645 - 1717)
James Jr. (1678 - 1719)
James Sr. (~1762 - 1790)
James Jr. (~1783 - )
James (1848 - )
James Seaborn (~1805 - 1869)
Jane (1829 - )
Jeanette P (1860 - )
John Jr. (1687 - 1760)
John III (1701 - 1748)
John III (1712 - 1794)
John (1737 - )
John IV (1740 - )
John (1782 - )
John Freeman (1836 - )
Johnson (1830 - )
Jonathan (1738 - )
Jonathan (1757 - 1841)
Jonathan (1844 - )
Joseph (1753 - )
Joseph (1771 - 1836)
Joseph Josh L (1852 - )
Keziah (1746 - )
Lucretia (1719 - 1797)
Capt. Luke Sr. (1713 - 1764)
Luke (1742 - )
Martha (1653 - )
Martha (1653 - >1698)
Martha Patsy Jane (1836 - 1928)
Martha Redlon (1823 - 1906)
Mary ( - 1684)
Mary (1642 - 1734)
Mary (~1645 - 1689)
Mary (1646 - 1719)
Mary (1704 - 1800)
Mary (1747 - )
Mary (1749 - )
Mary Abiah (1850 - 1920)
Mary B (1821 - )
Mary Rebecca (1724 - 1810)
Nathan Grover (1824 - )
Nelson (1819 - )
O’Neil R (1827 - )
Patience (1716 - 1809)
Phebe (~1738 - 1790)
Rachael Rachel (1761 - )
Rebecca (1709 - )
Rebecca (1745 - )
Reuben R (1848 - )
Robert (1611 - 1647)
Roger H. Sr. (1906 - 1978)
Rowland Adolphus (~1837 - )
Rowland H (1870 - )
Samuel J (1842 - )
Sarah (~1640 - 1715)
Sarah (~1648 - )
Sarah (1676 - )
Sarah (1707 - )
Sarah (1734 - )
Sarah (~1840 - )
Stephen (1834 - )
Susanna (~1650 - 1737)
Susanna (~1651 - )
Tabitha (1753 - 1826)
Thomas (1628 - 1671)
Thomas (1709 - 1793)
Thomas (~1842 - )
Thomas (~1870 - )
William (~1650 - )
William (1651 - )
William (1742 - )
William Sr. (~1808 - )
William Jr. (~1838 - )
William Billy (1699 - )
William Dexter (1816 - )
Mills Staples
George William (1872 - 1939)
Abbie E (~1860 - )
Albertus Reeves (1864 - )
Madge Violet (1901 - 1983)
Ollie Reeves (1911 - 1976)
Milner Millner
Alice L (1912 - 1963)
Frederick Roger (1907 - 2005)
Elizabeth (1640 - 1709)
Thomas (~1600 - )
Jeanne (1897 - 1985)
Theodore (1782 - 1855)
Mineau Mino
Antoine (1816 - 1883)
Antoine Adolph (1842 - )
Antoine Delphis x (1838 - 1828)
Antoine Hercule (1861 - )
Antoine Isaac (1854 - 1855)
Christine (1857 - 1884)
Denise (1841 - 1883)
Frank Xavier (1849 - 1915)
Hortense Delphine (1839 - 1922)
Isaac Antoine x (1852 - 1853)
Joseph (1847 - )
Joseph Antoine (1850 - )
Louis Philippe (1851 - )
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This information is a collection of publicly held information and not all has been independently verified. This information can be used freely by anyone engaged in non-commercial genealogical research.