My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameJonathan Torrey Sr.
Birth Dateabt 1742
Birth PlaceFalmouth, Cumberland Co., ME
Death Date20 Mar 1802 Age: 60
Death PlaceDeer Isle, Hancock Co., ME
Memodrowned by capsizing off Cape Rozier
FatherDavid Torrey (~1717-~1773)
MotherElizabeth Winslow (1721-)
Birth Dateabt 1746
Birth PlaceDeer Isle, Hancock Co., ME
FatherWilliam Eaton Sr. (1719-)
Marr Date1767
ChildrenDavid (1768-)
 William (1770-1803)
 Lucy (1771-1831)
 Jonathan (1774-1848)
 Daniel (1776-1831)
 Esther (1779-1867)
 Elizabeth (1782-1825)
 John (1785-)
Birth Dateabt 1747
Birth PlacePhillipstown [Saco], York Co., ME
Death Date25 Jul 1826 Age: 79
Death PlaceDeer Isle, Hancock Co., ME
FatherSamuel Staples Sr. (1707-~1767)
MotherMercy Cane Came (1719-1796)
Marr Date29 Dec 1785
Marr PlaceDeer Isle, Hancock Co., ME
ChildrenJames (1786-)
 Levi (1788-)
 Asa (1791-)
 Ebenezer x (~1792-)
 Ebenezer (1795-)
 Susanna (~1797-)
Last Modified 8 Mar 2018Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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