My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameAlice Bradford
Birth Date27 Mar 1659
Birth PlacePlymouth, Plymouth Co., MA
Memoalt date: 27 Mar 1661
Death Date1745 Age: 85
FatherMaj. William Bradford III (1624-1704)
MotherAlice Richards (1627-1671)
Death Date17 Aug 1685
Marr Date29 Mar 1680
ChildrenElizabeth (1681-1766)
 Alice (1682-1735)
 William x (1683-~1699)
 Abial (1685-1758)
Marr Date8 May 1687
Marr PlaceNorwich, New London Co., CT
ChildrenAbigail (1688-1759)
 Ebenezer (1690-1724)
 Daniel (1693-1752)
 John (1695-1782)
 Bridget x (1697-1698)
 Lucy (1698-1762)
 Jerusha (1699-1780)
 William (1701-1785)
 Jabez (~1702-1784)
 Alice x (1703-1708)
Last Modified 2 Apr 2020Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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