My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameMatthew Harriman Sr.
Birth Date16 Jun 1652
Birth PlaceRowley, Essex Co., MA
Death Date28 Oct 1726 Age: 74
Death PlaceHaverhill, Essex Co., MA
FatherLeonard Harriman (1622-1691)
MotherMargaret Palmer (1628-1676)
Birth Date30 Sep 1653
Birth PlaceHaverhill, Essex Co., MA
Death Date11 Aug 1689 Age: 35
Death PlaceHaverhill, Essex Co., MA
FatherRobert Swan Sr. (<1626-1698)
MotherElizabeth Acy (1632-1689)
Marr Date22 Dec 1673
Marr PlaceHaverhill, Essex Co., MA
ChildrenMatthew (1673-)
 Elizabeth (1675-1720)
 Hannah (1677-1761)
 Mary (1679-1748)
 Margaret (1681-)
 Abigail (1683-1756)
 John (1688-)
Birth DateJan 1678
Birth PlaceHaverhill, Essex Co., MA
Memoalt date: 1681
Death Dateaft 1726 Age: 47
Marr Dateabt 1717
Marr PlaceHaverhill, Essex Co., MA
ChildrenLeonard (1718-1786)
 Jonathan (1721-)
 Nathaniel (1723-)
 Mary (1726-)
Last Modified 9 Jan 2016Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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