My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameHon. Spencer Bennett Phips Phipps
Birth Date6 Jun 1685
Birth PlaceRowley, Essex Co., MA
Death Date4 Apr 1757 Age: 71
Death PlaceCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA
OccupationLieutenant Governor and twice Acting Governor of Massachusetts; enslaver
EducationHarvard College 1703
FatherDr. David Bennett (~1616-1718)
MotherRebecca Spencer (~1658-1712)
Misc. Notes
Eleven children, of whom five survived him.

According to Harvard's latest report, Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery, Spencer Phips owned 4 documented slaves: Cuffy documented 1739-1741; Zillah documented 1739; Rose documented 1745; and James documented 1755
Birth Date1689
Birth PlaceCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA
Death Date1764 Age: 75
Death PlaceCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA
FatherEliakim Hutchinson (1640-1717)
MotherSarah Shrimpton (~1650-~1719)
Marr Date20 Nov 1707
Marr PlaceCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA
ChildrenMary x (1710-<1725)
 Sarah (1712-1793)
 Eliakim x (1714-1714)
 Elizabeth (<1716-1739)
 David x (1722-1722)
 David (1724-)
 Mary (1725-1815)
 Rebecca (1727-1800)
Last Modified 9 Nov 2022Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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