My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameMedley Albert Watson Sr.
Birth Date22 Sep 1879
Birth PlaceAuburn, Androscoggin Co., ME
Death Date26 Oct 1952 Age: 73
Death PlaceCumberland, Cumberland Co., ME
FatherDavid F Watson (1850-1906)
MotherSarah Jane Gordon (1851-1911)
Misc. Notes
Birth Date18 May 1885
Birth PlaceAuburn, Androscoggin Co., ME
Death Date10 Mar 1978 Age: 92
Death PlacePortland, Cumberland Co., ME
FatherCharles Ephriam Edwards (1853-1933)
MotherAlmeda Elmeda Strout (1858-1898)
Misc. Notes
Marr Date15 Jan 1905
Marr PlacePortland, Cumberland Co., ME
ChildrenThelma Perley (1905-1994)
 Ola Jennette (1908-1971)
 Earle O x (1910-)
 Earl O x (1911-)
 Doris Evelyn (1912-1994)
 Leroy Nedley (1919-)
 Elton David (1924-2013)
 Medley Albert (1926-2012)
 Ruth Elizabeth (1928-1978)
Last Modified 28 May 2021Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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