My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameAnnie Beryl Churchill
Birth Date1891
Death Date1920 Age: 29
FatherAlmon Churchill (1861-1929)
Birth Date22 May 1886
Death Date9 Jul 1922 Age: 36
Death PlaceLivermore Falls, Androscoggin Co., ME
Memodied from hit to jaw/head by horse
FatherGeorge H Hill (~1861-1895)
MotherCaroline Parker (1864-)
Marr Dateabt 1911
ChildrenAlmon D (1912-1960)
 Lovell Eugene (1912-1975)
 Alton Fletcher x (1913-1913)
 Frank Alton (1920-2004)
Last Modified 17 Jun 2020Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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