My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameRuth Dolly Wyman
Birth Date10 Oct 1788
Birth PlaceChesterville, Franklin Co., ME
FatherDaniel Wyman (1754-1832)
MotherRuth Sears Wing (1757-)
Birth Date1788
Birth PlaceWinthrop, Kennebec Co., ME
Death Dateaft 1870 Age: 82
FatherPaul Wing (1760->1820)
MotherPatience Trask (~1762-)
Marr Date17 Jan 1807
Marr PlaceLivermore, Androscoggin Co., ME
Marr Memoalt loc: Mt. Vernon, Kennebec Co. ME; alt date: 5 Mar 1807
ChildrenMehitable (~1808-)
 Alfred (1810-)
 Clifford (>1810-)
 Julia Ann (1812-1893)
 Stephen M (1814-)
 Ann Lavinia (1816-)
 Howard Winslow (1821-)
 Mary (~1824-)
Last Modified 19 May 2013Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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