Misc. Notes
Living with son Frederick and family at time of 1900 USC for Kansas City, KS
http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=tufts&GSfn=angeline&GSmn=m&GSbyrel=all&GSdyrel=all&GSob=n&GRid=153719586&df=all&https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1913&dat=19021128&id=bdMgAAAAIBAJ&sjid=4WoFAAAAIBAJ&pg=4829,3281671Obituary in Lewiston Evening Journal- Nov. 28, 1902:
“Mrs. Angeline Morton Tufts, widow of Rev. Samuel N. Tufts, died Nov. 14th at the home of her son, Frederick N. Tufts of Kansas City, Mo. She was the youngest and only surviving child of Mordecai and Priscilla Bennett Morton who emigrated from Middleboro, Mass., to Winthrop, Me about the first of the 19th century. The family was directly descended from George Morton, author of “Mourt’s Relation,” who came in the Ann in 1623 and whose wife and Gov. Bradford’s were sisters. She had seven Mayflower ancestors in her line, among them Miles Standish, John Alden and Priscilla Mullens. Thus a daughter of the Pilgrims, she was always genial, gentle and kind, a blessing to her husband and children, and an inspiration of goodness to all her relatives and friends.
“Besides the son, at whose home she has lived for many years, two daughters, Mrs. Ellen M Woodman of Auburn, Me., and Mrs. Harriet M Klof of Kansas City, Mo., survive her.”