My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameLydia Cobb
Birth Date3 Nov 1761
Birth PlaceKingston, Plymouth Co., MA
Death Date3 Dec 1853 Age: 92
Death PlaceLeeds, Androscoggin Co., ME
FatherJohn Cobb (1731-1824)
MotherHannah Cushman (1732-1765)
Birth Date29 Nov 1759
Birth PlaceBridgewater, Plymouth Co., MA
Death Date16 Nov 1846 Age: 86
Death PlaceLeeds, Androscoggin Co., ME
FatherJoseph Pettingill (1717-1777)
MotherLydia Phillips (-1795)
Misc. Notes
Revolutionary War service: served in Capt. Cole's company, Col. Robinson's regt.; in Capt. Lothrop's company, Col. Thomas' regt., on a return dated Oct. 6, 1775; was a corporal in Cole's company, Jacob's regt., Jan. 1, 1778, to Jan. 1, 1779; in Nathan Packard's company, Edward Mitchell's regt., marched to Squantum on alarm March 4 to 9, 1776.
Marr Date16 Feb 1784
ChildrenLydia (1787-1819)
 Ruth (1799-)
Last Modified 29 Aug 2017Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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