My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameAbiah Abial Snell
Birth Dateabt 1678
Birth PlaceCape Elizabeth, Cumberland Co., ME
Death Date10 Nov 1750 Age: 72
Death PlaceBiddeford, York Co., ME
FatherCapt. George Snell (~1640-1708)
MotherHannah Alcock (~1640-1726)
Birth Date14 Feb 1679
Birth PlaceSalem, Essex Co., MA
Death Date26 Mar 1748 Age: 69
Death PlaceBiddeford, York Co., ME
FatherRoger Hill (~1635-1693)
MotherMary Sarah Cross Crosse (1640-1696)
Misc. Notes
Taken to Canada as prisoner of Indians, spent three years, and was returned.
Marr Date30 Mar 1703
Marr PlaceBiddeford, York Co., ME
ChildrenDorothy (1704-<1763)
 Ebenezer (<1706-)
 Susanna (~1713-)
 Benjamin (1715-<1791)
 Lydia (1718-)
 Joshua x (1721-)
 Jeremiah (1724-1779)
Last Modified 10 Jul 2016Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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