My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameNathaniel Frye Abbott
Birth Date18 Aug 1783
Birth PlaceAndover, Essex Co., MA
Death Date11 Jan 1855 Age: 71
Death PlaceAndover, Oxford Co., ME
Memodied from heart disease; fell dead while chopping wood
FatherPhilip Abbott (1749-1840)
MotherElizabeth Frye (1751-1834)
Misc. Notes
Was very different from his brother Timothy, of a roving jolly disposition. Aat the age of 18 or 20 he left his home here and went to Old Andover, thence to Boston and shipped on board a vessel bound for the Mediterranean Sea, Gibraltar, etc., as a sailor, and was absent several years. Visited most of the ports bordering on the Mediterranean, and came near being taken by an English cruiser which boarded the American vessel for the purpose of impressing the men for the English Navy. The impressing officer claimed that Mr. Abbott was an Irishman and asked him if he had protection papers. “I have, sir,” was the reply. The officer demanded them. They were presented and pronounced worthless and the officer attempted to put them in his pocket. Mr. Abbott demanded them with indignation and oaths, and at the same time presented a loaded pistol at the breast of the officer, and told him to hand back the papers, or he was a dead man in a short time. The demand was complied with, and the officer left the vessel with very different looks from what he had when he boarded her. Mr. Abbott’s looks, etc., companioned by his words, probably saved him from being impressed into the British navy.

Came back to Andover, ME and settled here. He fell dead while chopping wood. He sprang up suddenly, exclaimed “Zounds, how dark it’s getting,” and fell dead. Heard disease was the cause.
Birth Date24 Jan 1785
Birth PlaceByron, Oxford Co., ME
Death Date25 Jun 1884 Age: 99
Death PlaceLewiston, Androscoggin Co., ME
FatherLieut. John Stockbridge Sr. (1757-1820)
MotherMary Polly Dillingham (~1757-1841)
Misc. Notes
Marr Date23 Feb 1817
Marr PlaceAndover, Oxford Co., ME
ChildrenEdward D. x (1818-1818)
 Harriet Stockbridge x (1820-1832)
 Elizabeth Frye x (1823-1829)
 Minerva Dillingham x (1826-1832)
 Simon “Andrew” (1828-1907)
 Lyman Frye (1830-)
 Harriet Minerva x (1834-1838)
Last Modified 19 May 2021Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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