My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameJacob Osgood Sr.
Birth Date12 Mar 1777
Death Date1842 Age: 64
Death PlaceBlue Hill, Hancock Co., ME
FatherEzekiel Osgood III (1747-1816)
MotherMary Blaisdell (1751-1832)
Birth Date27 Apr 1784
Birth PlaceBrooksville, Hancock Co., ME
Death Date28 May 1848 Age: 64
Death PlaceBlue Hill, Hancock Co., ME
FatherPelatiah Tapley Sr. (1757-1832)
MotherSarah Sally Salley Stover (1769-1823)
Marr Date23 Dec 1802
Marr PlaceBlue Hill, Hancock Co., ME
ChildrenLucy (1803-1875)
 Nealand (1805-)
 George x (1806-1817)
 Paulina (1808-)
 Peletiah (1810-)
 Hudson D (1812-)
 Robert T (1814-)
 Enoch (1816-)
 George x (1817-1818)
 Susan (1819-)
 Jacob x (Twin) (1821-1821)
 Dorcas (Twin) (1821-)
 Augusta x (1823-1825)
 Mary J (1825-)
 James T (1826-)
Last Modified 24 Nov 2017Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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