My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameSamuel Sewall Sr.
Birth Date9 Apr 1688
Birth PlaceNewbury, Essex Co., MA
Death Date28 Apr 1769 Age: 81
Death PlaceYork, York Co., ME
FatherJohn Sewall (1654-1699)
MotherAnna Hannah Fessenden (1649-1723)
Birth Date4 Mar 1684
Birth PlaceWells, York Co., ME
Death Date5 Mar 1722 Age: 38
Death PlaceWells, York Co., ME
FatherSamuel Storer Sr. (1653-1700)
MotherLydia Littlefield (1663-1721)
Misc. Notes
Daughter of Samuel Storer of Wells who came to Wells from Charlestown, Massachusetts.
Marr Dateabt 1710
ChildrenJohn x (1712-1715)
 Dummer (1714-1736)
 Lydia (1717-1770)
 Mercy (1718-)
 Mary (1719-)
 Hannah (1722-1809)
Birth Date21 Dec 1697
Birth PlaceReading, Middlesex Co., MA
Death Date1790 Age: 92
FatherJohn Batchelder III (1667-1732)
MotherSarah Poore (1671-1696)
Marr Date29 Nov 1723
Marr PlaceNewbury, Essex Co., MA
ChildrenSamuel (1724-1815)
 Sarah x (Twin) (1726-)
 Jane x (Twin) (1726-)
 John (1729-1801)
 Joseph (1731-1782)
 Moses (1733-1816)
 David (1735-1825)
 Dummer (1737-1833)
 Henry (1739-1795)
Last Modified 13 Feb 2021Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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