My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameMary Smith
Birth Date26 Jun 1729
Birth PlaceSaco, York Co., ME
Death Date19 Aug 1767 Age: 38
Death PlaceBiddeford, York Co., ME
FatherCapt. Daniel Smith Sr. (1697-~1750)
MotherRebecca Emery (1697-1786)
Birth Date22 Jan 1724
Birth PlaceSaco, York Co., ME
Death Date12 Aug 1779 Age: 55
Death PlaceBiddeford, York Co., ME
FatherDea. Ebenezer Hill Sr. (1679-1748)
MotherAbiah Abial Snell (~1678-1750)
Misc. Notes
Marr Date11 Aug 1746
Marr PlaceBiddeford, York Co., ME
Marr Memoint.
ChildrenJeremiah (1747-1820)
 Nathaniel (1748-1801)
 Lydia (1751-)
 Joseph x (1753-1753)
 John (1754-1776)
 Daniel (1756-1835)
 Hannah (1758-)
 Rebecca (1760-1790)
 Anna (1763-)
 Ebenezer (1765-1839)
 Thomas x (1767-1767)
Last Modified 18 Nov 2017Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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