My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameSarah Furbish Furbush
Birth Date1706
Birth PlaceKittery, York Co., ME
Death Date2 Mar 1790 Age: 84
Death PlaceBuckfield, Oxford Co., ME
FatherDaniel Furbish (1664-1745)
MotherDorothy Pray (1664-1744)
Birth Date15 Feb 1708
Birth PlaceDover, Strafford Co., NH
Death Date28 Nov 1797 Age: 89
Death PlaceBuckfield, Oxford Co., ME
FatherHatevil Hate-Evil Hall Sr. (1687-1709)
MotherMercy Cromwell (~1681->1733)
Marr Date13 Apr 1733
ChildrenDorothy (1733-)
 Daniel (1735-1788)
 Hatevil Hate-Evil (1736-1804)
 Mercy (1738-)
 Abigail (1739-1825)
 Ebenezer (1741-)
 William (1742-1811)
 John (1744-1804)
 Jedediah (1748-1824)
 Andrew (1750-1831)
 Nicholas (1753-1835)
 Paul (1755-)
 Silas (1758-1822)
Last Modified 18 Aug 2020Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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