My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameSarah Haynes Haines
Birth Date9 Jan 1710
Birth PlaceHaverhill, Essex Co., MA
Memoalt loc: Scarborough, Cumberland Co., ME
Death Date19 Jul 1753 Age: 43
FatherThomas Haynes (1680-1771)
MotherHannah Harriman (1677-1761)
Birth Date17 Feb 1709
Birth PlaceOyster River, Durham, Strafford Co., NH
Death Date22 Jan 1778 Age: 68
Death PlaceBuxton, York Co., ME
MotherHannah Evans (1690-1749)
Misc. Notes
Revolutionary War service. Per:
“He was a lieutenant in the company of Capt. George Berry, in the Louisburg expedition, and was afterward in the Revolutionary war.”
Marr Dateabt 1734
ChildrenHannah (~1747-)
 Daniel (1750-1798)
 Elizabeth (~1752-)
Last Modified 21 Jan 2017Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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