My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameLydia Abbott
Birth Date10 Feb 1723
Birth PlaceAndover, Essex Co., MA
Memoalt date: 10 Feb 1728
Death Date11 Sep 1807 Age: 84
Death PlaceAndover, Essex Co., MA
Memoalt date: 9 Sep 1807
FatherLieut. Henry Abbott (1696-1766)
MotherMary Platts (1700-1784)
Birth Date2 Dec 1719
Birth PlaceAndover, Essex Co., MA
Death Date2 Feb 1813 Age: 93
Death PlaceAndover, Essex Co., MA
FatherHenry Lovejoy Sr. (1683-1776)
MotherSarah Farnham Farnum (1686-1766)
Misc. Notes
Captain in the Revolutionary War.
ChildrenJoshua (1744-)
 Mary (1745-1826)
 Lydia (1747-)
 Dorcas (1749-1843)
 Chloe (1753-1843)
 Lucy (1755-1844)
Last Modified 3 Jun 2023Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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