My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameRobert Cushman Jr.
Birth Date2 Jul 1698
Birth PlacePlymouth, Plymouth Co., MA
Death Date13 Sep 1751 Age: 53
Death PlaceKingston, Plymouth Co., MA
FatherRobert Cushman Sr. (1664-1757)
MotherPersis Pratt (1671-1743)
Birth Date21 Apr 1702
Birth PlacePlymouth, Plymouth Co., MA
Death Date3 May 1796 Age: 94
Death PlaceKingston, Plymouth Co., MA
FatherJohn Washburn Sr. (1670-1750)
MotherLydia Billington (1677-)
Marr Date17 Apr 1725
ChildrenLydia (1726-1784)
 Jerusha (1727-1747)
 Rebecca (1730-)
 Mercy (1731-1770)
 Hannah (1732-1765)
 Thankful x (1734-1748)
 Ruth (1735-)
 Abigail (1737-1755)
 Robert (1738-~1800)
 Job x (1740-1740)
 Elkanah x (1740-1748)
 Martha x (1742-1748)
 Isaac (1745-1834)
Last Modified 11 Oct 2014Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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