My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameWilliam Raymond Sr.
Birth Date1751
Birth PlaceMiddleborough, Plymouth Co., MA
Death Date1841 Age: 90
Death PlaceFayette, Kennebec Co., ME
Misc. Notes
History of Wayne, 1898, Pg 201:
One of the early settlers, William Raymond, settled near where John R. Sturtevant now lives, opposite where the road from Mr. Sturtevant's house intersects the road leading by the house of John S. Raymond to the
Evergreen Cem.. It is claimed by several of his great grand children, who now reside in Wayne and adjoining towns, that he was in the Revolutionary War. This fact does not appear in the list of Revolutionary solders in
this book for want of record facts; yet, family traditions leave little doubt of his participation in the events that gave this country its independence. He was twice married. His second wife was a widow Hicks. He died in Fayette at the house of his son Nathan. For want of data, we are unable to give an extended account of this man and his descendants. Of his children the records are silent; yet, incomplete as this may be, we enumerate Thomas and Pelatiah, who settled and died in St. Albans; William, who settled in Wayne; Polly [Molly] who married Seth Maxim, lived and died in Wayne; Eunice, who married Benjamin Maxim , lived and died in Wayne; Lois, who married Mr. Wing and died in St. Albans, and Nathan, who lived in Fayette and died at the home of his daughter Mrs. O. W. Welch at West Mt. Vernon.

Pg. 129:
Marriage Intentions: Jan. 11, 1824, Wayne, Me., to Sally Hix. (Hicks)
Genealogies of the Raymond Families of New England, 1630- 1 to 1886, by
Samuel Raymond:
Pg 277 "War Records of Massachusetts" William, Middleboroug h, 1777. 3
mos. man, 1776
See also: Winthrop Town Records, "Soldiers, Sailors, Patriots of the Revolutionary War in Maine by Carlton Fisher, 1982,

From: :
Currently looking for the correct parents of Wm. Raymond of Middleborough. I erroneously had him as Wm. of Holden, Mass who m. Eunice Glazier. Mrs. Raymond (of Monmouth, Me.) called me to correct him to Wm.
of Middleborough who m. Eliz. Wing. She or her husband descends from his son Solomon.

Correspondence from Ann Raymond of Monmouth, Maine with copies on file,
and her source information, post marked, June 8, 2000, She says:
"Wm. Raymond was b. abt 1756 ( Revolutionary War Pension file of Wm. Raymond) [on file] in Middleborough, MA and d. 1841 in Fayette, Maine. He m. (1) Elizabeth Wing, December 13, 1784 in Winthrop, Main e [Winthrop TownRecords]. He m. (2) Sally Hix [Hicks].
The earliest reference I have found to William Raymond in Maine, is in
the History of Greene. William Raymond and Job Fuller and others roughed
out the road from Craig's bridge to the head ofAndroscoggin Lake about
1774/5 to give the settlers in Greene access to Chandler's mill in Winthrop.
Wm. Raymond's pension file indicates that he enlisted at Middleborough,
MA in Jan. 1776 in Capt. Jonathan Allen's Co., Col. Ward' s Regt. He
served at the battles of Long Island and White Plains and was discharged
a year later at Peekskill, NY. In his original pension application of
1818, he gives his age as 62 and place of birth as Middleborough, MA. This
gives a birth date of 1756. In his 1820 pension declaration he says he is
63 and that his wife is living, but infirm, and unable even to do his cooking.
He was granted an annual pension of $8.00. He was living in Wayne at that
Birth Dateabt 1761
Birth PlaceWinthrop, Kennebec Co., ME
Death Datebef 1824 Age: 63
Death PlaceWayne, Kennebec Co., ME
FatherMelatiah Wing (1727->1766)
MotherJemima Wing (~1730-)
Misc. Notes
Parentage not confirmed but strongly suggested.
Marr Date13 Dec 1781
Marr PlaceWinthrop, Kennebec Co., ME
ChildrenMelatiah Pelatiah (~1782-<1850)
 Solomon Henry (1784-1868)
 Eunice (1786-1843)
 Molly Mary Polly (~1789-1876)
 Thomas (1790-)
 William (1791-)
 Lois (~1793-)
Last Modified 23 Dec 2015Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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